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Tuesday, February 26, 2008, 23:23 (UTC)


Massive blackouts hit Florida

Massive blackouts occurred throughout the US state of Florida shortly after 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time (18:00 UTC) on Tuesday afternoon. Out of the 4.4 million customers served by Florida Power & Light, Co. (FPL), about 680,000 residents were affected, with an additional two million-plus customers affected in other parts of the state. It is estimated that as many as four million customers throughout Florida were affected, with many different power companies losing control of their specific grids.
Power outages were reported as far south as the Florida Keys, on the original FPL grid, and as far north as Orlando and Daytona Beach, nearly 300 miles (483 km) away on the Progress Energy grid. Most of Miami-Dade and parts of Broward and Palm Beach counties suffered the worst outages.
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Pakistan's ban on YouTube lifted
Pakistan's ban on YouTube lifted

Pakistan's ban on YouTube lifted

The ban was brought in after a trailer for an Islam-offending film by a Dutch politician was uploaded to the site. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority ordered the country's internet service providers to ban YouTube, but accidentally many other countries' access to the popular site was blocked for around two hours.
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Kenya peace talks put on hold
Kenya peace talks put on hold

Kenya peace talks put on hold

1,500 people have died since the protests started last December and talks have recently managed to come to some progress. Current President Mwai Kibaki of the ruling Party of National Unity agreed to share power with opposition leader Raila Odinga, who claimed that the voting was rigged in favour of the President.
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Lobby groups oppose plans for EU copyright extension
Lobby groups oppose plans for EU copyright extension

Lobby groups oppose plans for EU copyright extension

The European Commission currently has proposals on the table to extend performers' copyright terms from 50 to 95 years. A vast number of tracks, from the Beatles to Cliff Richard, are at stake. Wikinews held an in-depth interview with key representatives from special interest groups who are calling this proposal one of the worst in a long time, and accuse the music industry of "lobbying governments to change the law in order that they may economically gain directly."
» Related stories: Open software developers meet at FOSDEM 2008Interview: Drupal founder Dries Buytaert
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Key signing participants in front of FOSDEM 2008.
Key signing participants in front of FOSDEM 2008.

Credit: Steven Fruitsmaak
Hundreds of developers of freely licensed and open source software from all over Europe met in Brussels, Belgium this weekend for FOSDEM 2008.
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