2008 Taiwan presidential election: First official debate with citizen journalists' participation
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Before the main vote of 2008 Taiwan Presidential Election on March 22, the Public Television Service (PTS Taiwan) held the first official TV debate in the PTS Taiwan Building in Taipei, Taiwan. To improve interactions between two candidates (Frank Hsieh and Ma Ying-jeou) and potential citizen journalists in Taiwan, PTS Taiwan exclusively invited 20 nominated citizen journalists (CJs) to join this special debate and asked for their questions on-site. The new format was supported by several news organizations in Taiwan.
Before this main debate, PTS Taiwan requested several questions with "30-seconds question challenge by citizens" and ultimately selected 20 questions from varied fields including finance, economics, agriculture, industry, environment, population, territory rehabilitation policy, gender, human rights, education, diplomacy, differences between cities and countrysides, Cross-Strait (China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) relationships, national position, culture, and racism.
After the debate, the Central News Agency asked several participating CJs about their satisfaction with the debate format. However, several CJs criticized the answers to their questions as "hollowed answers", while some CJs thought the answers were unexpected for the public.
On the other side, several academic professors were satisfied with their performances and on-site reaction, and a former legislator from Taiwan, Teh-fu Huang, commented on the debate:
edit- All the sources are in Chinese language.
This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008中華民國總統選舉 首場公開辯論會登場", from the Chinese language Wikinews. |
This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008中華民國總統選舉 首場公開辯論會登場", from the Chinese language Wikinews. |
- Kwo-hwa Ho (News Division President of Public Television Service). "華人世界第一次/大選辯論公民提問 深化民主" — Liberty Times, February 24, 2008
- Yi-wei Chen. "謝馬首度交鋒 公民提問人多不滿回答深度" — Central News Agency (Republic of China), February 24, 2008
- Si-ying Chen. "決戰322/參選總統 馬:為實現台灣的夢" — Eastern Television, February 24, 2008
- Wan-ru Chan. "總統大選首次辯論 學者:謝攻擊性強 馬陳述清楚" — Radio Taiwan International, February 24, 2008