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Friday, April 26, 2024, 0339 (UTC)
NASA says object that hit Florida home is from International Space Station
NASA says object that hit Florida home is from International Space Station

NASA confirmed on April 15 an object that struck a Naples, Florida, US home last month had originated from the International Space Station. In particular, the item was identified as a "stanchion from the NASA flight support equipment used to mount the batteries on the cargo pallet."

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Iran launches missiles and drones at Israel
Iran launches missiles and drones at Israel

On April 13, Iran launched a volley of over 300 projectiles, including missiles and drones, at Israel. Iran described this unprecedented assault as retaliation for an earlier Israeli strike on an Iranian consulate in Syria, which reportedly resulted in significant casualties, including high-ranking officials.

[ ± ] - Image credit -

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[edit] Credit: Jon Davis
Strega crossing the finish line to win the Gold Unlimited class at the Reno Air Races 2009