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Sunday, January 19, 2025, 0331 (UTC)
Times Square marks New Year's Eve 2025 in New York City
Times Square marks New Year's Eve 2025 in New York City

People from around the world celebrated the coming new year with the ceremonial ball drop in Times Square, New York on the New Year's Eve on December 31, 2024.

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Trump team urges US Supreme Court to halt looming TikTok ban
Trump team urges US Supreme Court to halt looming TikTok ban

The lawyer of United States president-elect Donald Trump urged the Supreme Court on December 27 to pause enforcement of a law which could ban TikTok to enable him " pursue a political resolution".

[ ± ] - Image credit -



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In pictures

[edit] Credit: Jon Davis
Strega crossing the finish line to win the Gold Unlimited class at the Reno Air Races 2009