Wikinews:Article flags

These are article flags for use on unpublished articles. Add them at the top of a page to indicate situations that need to be resolved before publication.

Tag Resolves to Use when

Use only to mark an article you are actively working on, if you want to let people know. This may help reduce the likelihood of edit-clashes. Please remember to remove the flag once you are done!
Article lacks sources or references completely or contains information which has no references
{{single source}}

Articles lacks sources, only identifies one source used.

Article is so small as to be not worth publishing in its current form.
Help Wikinews! This article is currently a brief. You can help Wikinews by expanding it.

Similar to {{minimal}}(see stub).
You believe the article to contain an explicit or implicit bias, or presenting only one point of view in a contentious issue.

Fact checking indicates that the article is incorrect.

You feel that more information should be added to the article, and would like for you, or the community, to be given time to add that information before it is published.

The article is poorly written, wikified or formatted, or other serious deviations from the article style guidelines
{{Deletion request}}

The story falls foul of the Wikinews:Policies and guidelines/Deletion guidelines and does not belong on Wikinews. Please remember to list the article on the deletion requests page.
The story falls foul of the Wikinews:Policies and guidelines/Deletion guidelines and does not belong on Wikinews. Please remember to list the article on the deletion requests page.
The article is an obvious test, vandalism etc.
{{copyvio}}     Visit Template:Copyvio page for full form The article contains suspected copyright violations

For articles that are written in the wrong (essay like) style. See also template:cleanup
{{tasks|thing that needs to be done}}
Adding a task list of things that need to be done before publishing. Can take several arguments. There are several special codes recognized by this template. For example, {{tasks|mos|src}} says the article needs sources, and formating (mos=manual of style). See template:tasks for details.

See also

  • Wikinews:Article stage tags - the tags that describe our workflow for undisputed articles, from develop to review to publish to archive