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Just a FYI on this; you've been reverted on what I can clearly see are well-intentioned edits, and I agree that "athletics athlete" is dreadful phrasing; however, it's worth pointing out why as your 'disagreement' with Pi zero and myself has it's basis in journalistic style. Firstly, use active voice (if you can word to use "competing" rather than "competed", do so). Second, a point which is intended to amuse and push to avoid pleonasmsthat is a four-letter word.

As I say, it is obvious your edits were in good-faith, I just felt it would be worthwhile to point out why they ended up being reverted. I did so before seeing Pi zero had done so previously. I've subsequently looked at the earlier edits and am going to re-introduce "track and field" as a way of avoiding the "athletics athlete" wording. --Brian McNeil / talk 06:36, 9 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for your feedback. Nowadays I'm always a little wary of setting someone 'off on one' (I have an unenviable reputation :P). And, I'm delighted to see you picking your way through the style guide making useful changes. If you're more used to Wikipedia, it would be very helpful if you could – as a newcomer to the project – distill some more of that monster down into the Wikinews for Wikipedians essay. The other obvious project-namespace page you might want to refer to is Wikinews:How do I ... ? which is newer, and intended to answer common questions for newcomers – with reference to the more substantial policies but, without forcing people to read them in their entirety – if you think up questions it doesn't answer, then ask them and I'll see about adding them in. --Brian McNeil / talk 07:25, 9 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

The Wikinews Style Guide


Well, absolutely nobody could accuse you of not reading our 'bible', Graham. But, watching you make minor edits, and chatting in IRC about that with another established contributor, gave me an amusingly mischevious idea.

How about going back to the WN:SG and deliberately introducing some typos and really bad grammatical errors? [I'm even prepared to hide the revisions of such, for reasoning which follows.]

I've lost count of the number of times I've pointed new contributors at the policy; but, never before been able to clearly see they've gone through the policy thoroughly. In such you are, most definitely, the exception to the rule. The usual scenario with a newcomer to Wikinews editing policy is "they don't like it" and fail to see the basis for it. Looking at the edits you've made, I can easily see the community welcoming you as a reviewer if, and when, you put together a few articles and get them published.

We're a 'robust' community (read: we're not shy of telling people to piss off), and—personally—there is a determination not to end up in the sinkhole The Other Place is gleefully heading to. So, in addition to cobbling together the {{Howdy}} template that's posted above, I'd like to welcome you as someone who could make positive contributions here. --Brian McNeil / talk 08:18, 9 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

  • This is far from being "damned by faint praise"; I'd absolutely nothing to do with Iain (BloodRedSandman)'s further edits. But, since he's one of the other project 'crats, his edit summary on your edits is kudos. --Brian McNeil / talk 11:10, 9 June 2012 (UTC)Reply
  • This is far from being "damned by faint praise"; I'd absolutely nothing to do with Iain (BloodRedSandman)'s further edits. But, since he's one of the other project 'crats, his edit summary on your edits is kudos. --Brian McNeil / talk 11:10, 9 June 2012 (UTC)Reply
    • Is WN's "editing policy" still as poorly written and structured as it used to be? I seem to remember you blocked me (soon undone by one of your colleagues) for daring to try to improve it. And are you still conducting that let's hate en.WP campaign at WN? I was tempted to lobby the WMF board to close the WN project, but never got around to proceeding. Tony1 (talk) 12:17, 19 October 2012 (UTC)Reply
  • Well, ignorant seems to be one of your favourite insults ... see the quote in the thread above where you've just posted on my talk page? And you must be familiar with my statement here last year, which just about sums you up. So nothing's changed, has it, and donors' money is still poured down the pan on your fascist and unprofessional little site. You just don't have the insight to engage someone you've obviously wronged (among many who've deserted WN), do you: ...
Brian, recognising that Tony is likely still to be extremely pissed off with him and to be doing WN's reputative no good at all elsewhere in the movement, decides on a positive response to Tony's bait:
"Hi Tony, glad to see you here. Nice work at the Signpost. If you'd like to contribute to WN again, you're welcome. Do ask me if you need any assistance."
Thus, Brian pulls the carpet from under Tony, trapping him into either not responding at all, or into taking up his positive frame. This way, Brian feels quite good, reinforcing his leadership role at WN and his skill at turning a negative situation into a positive one; and Tony might even feel better about Brian and WN, and possibly a little guilty at having been negative. Tony1 (talk) 14:13, 19 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Style guide


Since you're not a contributor here, and therefore have neither experience by which to understand how the project works nor accumulated reputation for understanding it, I recommend extreme restraint in editing the style guide. --Pi zero (talk) 13:53, 18 August 2013 (UTC)Reply

Of course; I've only stuck to minor edits. Graham87 (talk) 15:06, 18 August 2013 (UTC)Reply
I've started a thorough review of the Style Guide, drawing on experience. Although it is rather rusty experience after a long absence here. The problem with Wikinews policy is we try to keep mainspace the primary focus, meaning policy can decay unnoticed over time. Copyedits to my additions welcome; many are clunky. Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs) 17:19, 18 August 2013 (UTC)Reply