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editYour first note to Blood Red Sandman gave several impressions that, however much or little truth there might be in them, were extremely unfortunate impressions to have made:
- appearing to suggest the block was unreasonable,
- appearing to have made that suggestion without reading our bot policy first (making the suggestion itself an assumption of bad faith), and
- appearing to be responsible for the bot (which would make that note the second failure to read our bot policy).
It might also be noted, in connection with your second note to Blood Red Sandman, that while nobody here should ever assume bad faith (which, remember, you already appeared to have done), en.wn specifically does not have a policy or guideline to assume good faith. --Pi zero (talk) 13:08, 9 July 2011 (UTC)
- My nickname is Flyax and I do have a bot named el:wikt:User:Flubot (which I had never the intention to bring here). el:User:Glavkos runs el:User:Glavkos bot. Any one can find this kind of information in seconds but even if they are not willing to do so, I cannot understand how anyone could assume from my message that I, Flyax, am running a bot named Glavkos_bot. It's just common sense.
- Now, about suggesting bad faith. I came here to complain, as it were, against the removal of valid links added by Glavkos_bot. The act of complaining or protesting or whatever is a legitimate right of every user and I am not going to agree that this kind of action is a suggestion of bad faith, however annoying it could be for the sysop who complains are addressed to. Regards, --Flyax (talk) 14:56, 9 July 2011 (UTC)
- Bots often aren't named after their operators. And your first apparent mistake was that if you chose not to read our bot policy before leaving Blood Red Sandman a note —which is the impression given by the wording you used— your note should have been an inquiry rather than a complaint/protest. --Pi zero (talk) 17:27, 9 July 2011 (UTC)