23:31 UTC, Friday, 26 July
About Me
  • Nationality: American
  • ID No.: 2122
  • Main Pages None yet
  • Currently Reading:
    Nothing of note
Regularly Read
Other Wiki Personas
None yet. There probably will be some later though.
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This page is under heavy construction (and is a copy of CGorman's page to boot (which, incidentally, he tells me is a copy of somebody else's). Maybe I'll redesign later?)

As of April 16th 2005 I've written 1 article and made several small edits.

As a group Wikinewsies have penned a total of 21,993 articles since the project began,

Beliefs & Opinions


I believe strongly that we must try and keep Wikinews bias free so thats why I have stated my personal views on many issues below. If you see me make a biased comment in an article please give me a harsh warning!

Warning: These statements are the opinion of me and me alone and do not reflect the views of Wikinews as a whole.

  • I believe in Wikipedia and Wikinews.
  • I believe that in general people are good.
  • I am pro-choice -- I do believe that accidents happen -- and that is to say nothing of the big r-word.
  • I believe strongly in the theory of evolution
  • More coming soon

NB Links/tools



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