Hello, my name is Ash Thawley. I am a musician and hobby journalist currently based in England. I mostly write about LGBTQ news and politics, and you can find articles I've been the primary writer of here. Please note, my pronouns are they/them and I ask these are used for me.

CheckUsers, please note that I am global IP block exempt. Cheers!

Accredited reporter
Accredited reporter

Reporter: Ash Thawley (Asheiou)
Location: West Midlands, England

Email: Email via Wikinews |
Tel/Voicemail: (+44) 7586 254530
Other contact methods:
Alternate email: ash@asheiou.uk

Disclaimer: Accredited Wikinews reporters do not represent the Wikimedia Foundation; they are trusted contributors whom the Wikinews community has certified for the purposes of gathering information related to Wikinews articles.

Where this user is, it is 00:17:23. Refresh



If you would like to contact me, my professional WhatsApp is linked to +44 7586 254530. Please note, the SMS and calls of that number are not routinely monitored, and especially considering international fees, do not expect to hear back unless you send a message through WhatsApp!

You can also contact me through my email at ash@asheiou.uk.

For matters relating to Wikinews, my user talk page is the place to go.


en This user is a native speaker of English.
fr-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of French.
de-2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of German.
cy-1 This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Welsh.
es-1 This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Spanish.

Upcoming events


You can see my upcoming events on my calendar. This calendar also shows when I am unavailable.


The Exceptional Newcomer Award may be awarded to newcomers who display exceptional enthusiasm, skill, and boldness beyond their experience. I hereby present Asheiou with this award for exceptional initial contributions, including an exclusive interview. Heavy Water (talk) 02:29, 12 June 2023 (UTC)