Talk:IDF missile strikes UN school

Latest comment: 7 months ago by Me Da Wikipedian in topic Pre-review



What proof does idf have about hamas hiding in school??? BigKrow (talk) 23:54, 6 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

No clue. In the interest of neutrality I included their explanation of events that was cited by both the BBC and The Guardian. Even if there were Hamas leaders in the school, there were also a lot of civilians. This is not the place for me to write an opinion piece about this conflict though. A.S. Thawley (talk) (calendar) 00:22, 7 June 2024 (UTC)Reply



Status:    Not ready

Version evaluated: 4784908

Notes for author(s):

The exact kill count is quite disputed, every source says something different. Perhaps expand on this in the article, attributing each claim, and definetly don't state it as undisputed fact is the headline. In addition, I can find quite a few other sources for the number of UNWRA buildings hit, so probably do the same for that. I have made a few very minor changes as well.

Notes for reviewer:

Same really as above.

This is a pre-review only and is not part of the official review process. A pre-review is meant to help the author or authors improve the article and increase the likelihood of it passing a formal review. This pre-review was not done by a reviewer and represents a recommendation that can be heeded or ignored.

Well, "reportedly" is not saying something is "undisputed fact". But we should do better than that by being more specific — same with "Local officials report". The total death toll provided in the lede should be attributed. Heavy Water (talk) 19:40, 8 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Reportedly makes it sounds like everyone reported the same thing.@Heavy Water Me Da Wikipedian (talk) 10:45, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
I'm not sure about that. My problem with it, and others', has been since it's not specific about who's making the claim, the reader lacks information that's very helpful in assessing the possibility of the veracity of the claim — as we want them to, to think for themselves with the information we present to them — they just know that en.wn isn't sure enough of its veracity to make the claim ourselves. Heavy Water (talk) 17:43, 19 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Reportedly makes it sounds like it was reported, and absent of stating that there were different reports, one would assume they were the same reports. @Heavy Water Me Da Wikipedian (talk) 21:37, 19 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. People shouldn't assume that. Or anything. Heavy Water (talk) 01:36, 20 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
If we say something happened, readers will assume that that's what happened, unless we tell them were not sure exactly what happened. By ommitting all but one opinion and placing that one in our headline, it is essentially preferring that opinion. @Heavy Water Me Da Wikipedian (talk) 10:23, 20 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Also, readers often times do assume and probably have no idea that policy exists. @Heavy Water Me Da Wikipedian (talk) 10:23, 20 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
We are telling them we can't verify it with enough certainty to report it as fact, by using the word "reportedly". But I think you're right that the vagueness I mentioned could also give preference to a version of events, since one wouldn't state multiple contradictory versions of events all "reportedly" occurred. Heavy Water (talk) 15:20, 20 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
As previously stated reportedly means according to reports. This would seem to say that reports said or implied this, not that basically every report disagrees. Anyways, were well past the 24 hour window so this is really not going to change anything, also this probably should have been fixed before publish@Heavy Water Me Da Wikipedian (talk) 15:26, 20 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Map etc


Words getting jumbled BigKrow (talk) 23:17, 7 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Review of revision 4785174 [Passed]

Er...did you see the above about issues with the headline, the number of UNRWA buildings bombed, and the total death toll? Heavy Water (talk) 23:47, 8 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

We are nearing the end of 24 hour corrections window. I don't think I'll have to fix this now. But this is a problem. @Heavy Water, Asheiou, BigKrow, Cromium:

Well, there's still 12 hours to change the name. I did see the discussion but I changed the name to reflect the range mentioned in the narrative. It might be easier to just remove the number altogether. [24Cr][talk] 11:02, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Done that, mind approving. @Cromium Me Da Wikipedian (talk) 11:09, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
We still need to deal with the other issues I mentioned above though like the UNWRA building count@Cromium Me Da Wikipedian (talk) 11:10, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
@Cromium now the story appears twice! Me Da Wikipedian (talk) 11:36, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
and a different one disappeared Me Da Wikipedian (talk) 11:36, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Doh! I clicked lead 1. I understand of course that other sources may say different numbers (one UNRWA article says 180 as does another Guardian article) but the key is that we quote a reliable third party source. If you do change, please add a source and I'll sight it. [24Cr][talk] 11:45, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Can you fix lead 1 now too/accept my edit?@Cromium Me Da Wikipedian (talk) 11:47, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
And done...@Cromium Me Da Wikipedian (talk) 11:52, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Official body count?


This really should still be developing, no offense but assuming numbers isn't good just 2 cents worth. Thanks. BigKrow (talk) 00:08, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

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