Category:European Union
This category has the following 38 subcategories, out of 38 total.
- Eurostat (5 articles)
- Treaty of Lisbon (11 articles)
- 2016 UK EU referendum (24 articles)
- Constitution for Europe (13 articles)
- Council of the European Union (11 articles)
- Estonia (35 articles)
- Euro (14 articles)
- European Aviation Safety Agency (4 articles)
- European Council (9 articles)
- European Court of Justice (6 articles)
- Malta (20 articles)
Pages in category "European Union"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 352 total.
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- ACTA rejected by European Parliament; protesters rejoice
- Africa-Europe summit concludes with mixed results
- Airlines fight new EU passenger compensation legislation
- Albania blames Iran for cyberattacks
- Angela Eagle drops out of UK labour leadership contest
- APEC 2005 wraps up
- Asian countries call for global currency
- At least thirty-three more dead in Ethiopia election clashes
- Austrian Airlines cancels Moscow-bound flight after Russia refuses a reroute outside Belarusian airspace
- Austrian police find dozens dead inside lorry
- Bank of Italy governor, Antonio Fazio, presents resignation today
- Barroso names new European Union Commissioners
- Bolivian President Evo Morales convinces EU to pay for study of coca
- Brazilian President: not continuing to use biofuels would be a 'crime against humanity'
- Wikinews:Briefs/April 13, 2007
- Wikinews:Briefs/January 7, 2009
- Britain loses AAA credit rating due to poor economic growth and continued austerity
- Britain votes to leave the European Union
- British Chancellor George Osborne downgrades growth forecast in annual budget
- British National Fingerprint Database begins without parliamentary consultation
- Bronisław Geremek, former Polish Foreign Affairs Minister, dies at age 76
- Bulgaria and Romania to enter European Union
- Bulgarian and Romanian EU accession treaty is signed in Luxembourg
- Bulgarian police arrest four over eighteen dead migrants in abandoned truck
- Bundestag approves EU Constitution
- Canada, EU, UK, US impose sanctions on Belarus over Ryanair hijacking
- Canadian annual seal hunt begins amid controversy
- Central banks announce joint efforts to provide liquidity
- Chair of European Parliament's agricultural committee discusses biofuels with Wikinews
- China prepared to support eurozone countries hit by financial crisis
- China, EU reach deal on textile import
- China-EU financial relations are growing
- Clothes from China piling up on European borders
- Concern about sovereign debt of some EU members roils markets
- Condoleezza Rice will visit Greece and Turkey
- Confidential EU report about Israels annexation of East Jerusalem
- Conservative Party wins majority in 2019 UK general election
- Copyright on musical recordings extended by twenty years in EU
- Council of Europe planning to use satellite images in prisons probe
- Council of Europe report challenges teaching of Creationism
- Court finds UK allowed undervalued Chinese imports into EU
- Creationism dangerous in education: Council of Europe resolution
- "Crimea is a 'red line' for Putin": Dr. Jeremy Morris discusses Ukraine war developments with Wikinews
- Cuba restores relations with European Union
- Cyber attacks in Estonia threaten national security
- Cyprus and Malta adopt the euro
- Cyprus and Malta to adopt the euro
- Cyprus Finance Minister Michael Sarris resigns amid bailout talks
- Cyprus seeks EU bailout
- Cyprus, Latvia and Malta are a step closer to adopting euro
- Czech parliament votes in favour of legalising firearms possession
- Czech PM calls Obama's rescue plan a 'road to hell'
- Danish clothing company sells T-shirts to support FARC and PFLP
- Danish PM pushes for new referendum on euro
- Data Retention Directive passed by EU Parliament
- Death toll from cyclone in Myanmar continues to rise
- Death toll from earthquake in Syria and Turkey surpasses 20,000
- Democratic Republic of Congo adopts new constitution, plans elections
- Doha round of trade talks suspended after negotiations fail
- Dutch diplomat Feith appointed EU Special Representative in Kosovo
- Dutch vote today on EU constitution
- Egypt to open Gaza Strip crossing for humanitarian and medical aid
- Estonia elects Toomas Hendrik Ilves as President
- Estonia to sign border treaty with Russia in a few weeks
- EU accession treaty for Romania published on the Internet
- EU accession treaty ratified by Romanian government
- EU adopts renewable energy measures
- EU agrees €43 billion Chips Act to boost semiconductor production
- EU and Iranian leaders to meet over nuclear row
- EU awards partial victory to Finland over wolf hunting case
- EU ban on 75W bulbs comes into force
- EU bans 92 airlines, buries "flying coffins"
- EU bans all Indonesian airlines as well as several from Russia, Ukraine and Angola
- EU budget chief claims win in Lithuanian presidential elections
- EU concerned about Microsoft compliance, $5 million daily fine possible
- EU condemns Syria for shootdown, urges Turkish restraint
- EU cuts sugar subsidies
- EU deems UK privacy laws inadequate, takes legal action
- EU diplomat proposes deal with Iran to drop NPT Article IV.1
- EU fines Microsoft €280.5 million
- EU increases 2012 budget by two per cent
- EU launches channel on YouTube
- EU looks set to continue arms embargo on China
- EU maintains ban on Indonesian airlines amid accusations of political motivation
- EU may see no reason to go to next major emitters meeting
- EU nabs US$300 million illegal trafficking in Spain
- EU reaches budget deal
- EU regulation prevents sale of 'small' kiwi fruit in Bristol shop
- EU sets date for membership talks with Turkey
- EU states warned on CIA prisons
- EU to give 280 million euro in aid to dairy farmers
- EU to investigate secret CIA establishments in Romania, Poland
- EU to send police officers to Haiti
- EU warns France about auto rescue plan
- EU warns Microsoft: forthcoming Vista risks antitrust breach
- EU's human rights court endorses Turkish headscarf ban
- EU, Canada impose duties on some US goods in retaliation for Byrd Amendment
- EU, Microsoft agree on browser ballot
- EU, US declare intent to cooperate on climate change at summit
- Europe hit by storms, 45 deaths reported
- European Commission approves the accession of Bulgaria and Romania
- European Commission might impose embargo on Chinese products
- European Commission praises "flexicurity" employment policy
- European Commission to investigate anti-competitive allegations against Google
- European Commission warns Eurozone economy to shrink further
- European Commission, five EU members agree to permit members to ban domestic sale of some Ukrainian agricultural products
- European Council agrees to crypto asset regulations
- European Court of Justice rules ISPs not obliged to reveal identity of people suspected of illegal sharing
- European Court of Justice says Facebook must remove 'illegal' posts globally
- European court upholds asset freeze in terrorist case
- European leaders sign Lisbon Treaty
- European Medicines Agency calls AstraZeneca vaccine "safe and effective"
- European MEPs abolish right to opt-out of Working Time Directive
- European Parliament agrees on unified airspace
- European Parliament approves accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the EU
- European Parliament committee backs visa-free travel for Balkan countries
- European Parliament rejects computer-implemented inventions directive
- European parliament says NO to software patents
- European Union calls for release of British crewmen in Iran
- European Union Council to accept software patent directive
- European Union demands release of Belarusian opposition leader
- European Union emerges from recession
- European Union gives Iran two more weeks to comply with UN resolution
- European Union offers to train Somali troops as fighting breaks out
- European Union rejects software patents; starts new process
- European Union to reduce carbon emissions by 55% of 1990 levels by 2030
- European Union to train Somali security forces
- Europeans go to the polls to elect Members of the European Parliament
- Eurostar suspended due to cold weather
- Eurozone approves Greece bailout
- Eurozone economy did not grow at all in last quarter of 2009
- Eurozone now officially in recession
- Eurozone offers Greece 30 billion euro in loans
- Eurozone unemployment rate reaches ten percent
- Exit poll: 55% of French voters say no to EU constitution
- Far-right faction in European Parliament dissolved
- Fast track offer if Iceland applies to join EU
- Fatah assaults European Union office
- Finland, Estonia and Greece ratify the EU's Treaty of Lisbon
- Finnish-French MEP criticise Finnish President and Foreign Minister
- First Airbus A380 delivered
- Five dead after bar attack in Bamako, Mali
- Five hundred Euro note withdrawn from sale in UK
- Former Greek Culture Ministry official attempts suicide
- Former Ukraine PM Yulia Tymoshenko to end hunger strike, daughter announces
- Four Indonesian airlines allowed back into Europe; Zambia, Kazakhstan banned
- France and Germany resume growth, exit recession
- France claims Russia has violated some terms of ceasefire with Georgia
- France rejects European Union's asylum seeker quota initiative
- France secures site for 10 billion euro nuclear fusion research project
- France votes no in EU referendum
- Franco-Belgian bank Dexia to extend into Southeastern Europe
- French fishermen blockade Channel ports
- French goat is found to have BSE
- French parliament approves bill on Armenian Genocide denial
- Gay Iranian awaits decision on asylum
- German Parliament votes yes on EU constitution; French referendum may vote no
- German police seize Tor anonymity servers
- Greece formally asks for EU-IMF loans
- Greece wins 2005 Eurovision song contest
- Greek debt deal reached
- Greek lawmakers approve contentious campus police legislation
- Greek lawmakers pass new austerity law despite violent protests
- Greek prime minister reaffirms EastMed pipeline project is open for other countries to join
- Greek workers strike over austerity measures
- Groups prepare for December WTO talks
- Iceland makes application for membership of the European Union
- Iceland voters reject deal to repay billions to UK, Dutch
- Icelandic government passes Icesave deal; €12,000 debt per citizen
- IMF and EU approve aid for Georgia
- IMF says UK leaving the EU will lead to negative economic consequences
- Indonesia's transport minister tells airlines not to buy European aircraft due to EU ban
- Intel's offices across the EU raided
- International conference agrees on plan for Yemen's terror problem
- Interview with Anna Mikkola, Finnish Left Alliance candidate for European Parliament
- Iran launches missiles and drones at Israel
- Iran rejects EU nuclear reactor offer
- Iran resumes nuclear research
- Iran stands defiant on Uranium enrichment
- Ireland rejects EU Lisbon Treaty
- Ireland votes 'Yes' to Lisbon Treaty
- Ireland will hold EU referendum
- Irish energy supplier Bord Gáis hikes rates for gas, electricity
- Israel "illegally annexing" east Jerusalem, EU reports
- Istanbul named European Capital of Culture for 2010
- Italian MP starts thirst and hunger strike to protest Saddam execution
- Italians interested in investing in Romanian tourism