EU accession treaty ratified by Romanian government

Saturday, April 30, 2005

The government passed a law on Friday ratifying Romania's accession treaty to the European Union, after the Treaty was signed in a ceremony in Luxembourg in April 25, which was attended by the heads of state of all 25 current EU member states. The government pointed out that, aside from ratification by Romania and Bulgaria, the two states which signed the accession treaty in April 25, the treaty must also be ratified by the 25 current member states who also signed the treaty in Luxembourg.

The law passed by the Romanian government on Friday has been forwarded to the Parliament to be debated. It must be approved in a joint session of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, with at least a two-thirds majority.

Once the accession treaty is ratified by all 25 member states of the European Union, Romania and Bulgaria will become full members in January 1, 2007.
