2008 Google Developer Day starts from Yokohama, Japan
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Image: Yoichiro Akiyama.
2008 The 2nd-annual Google Developer Day started its tournament in Pasifico Yokohama, Japan as its first stage. According to Google, this programmer-based event is similar to Google I/O, the largest programming event which is only available in USA and held earlier on May 28 & 29 in San Francisco, California.
Takuya Oikawa, Software Engineer of Google Japan, analyzed the future trend on programming and redefined the "3C". "There are three key features to drive on the next generation programming, that is, 'Client' [user-oriented], 'Connectivity', and 'Cloud Computing'," stated Oikawa.
Fumitoshi Ukai, the Software Engineer of Google Japan, has pointed out the importance of Google App Engine, and performed a SWOT analysis using the Sichuan earthquake as an example, and said: "The failure or success of Cloud Computing will be determined by three critical factors - ability of offline computing, language support, and quotas of databases."
After the Japan Stage, 2008 Google Developer Day will be held in China, Taiwan, Australia, Mexico, and Brazil during the month of June. The Europe Tour of Google Developer Day will kick off from London, England on September 16.
This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008年Google開發者日 日本掀開巡迴序幕", from the Chinese language Wikinews. |
This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008年Google開發者日 日本掀開巡迴序幕", from the Chinese language Wikinews. |
- "Google Developer Day 2008開催,Androidのデモを実演" — Nikkei BP, June 10, 2008
- Mikio Iioka. "【Google Developer Day 2008】2年目の開発者会議、パシフィコ横浜にて本日開催" — CodeZine, June 10, 2008
- Mikio Iioka. "【Google Developer Day 2008】次世代Webのキーワードは「3つのC」" — CodeZine, June 10, 2008
- Keigo Ogota. "【Google Developer Day 2008】Gearsはオフラインだけじゃない!" — CodeZine, June 11, 2008
- Takashi Saiki. "【Google Developer Day 2008】Google App Engineをおさらいしよう" — CodeZine, June 11, 2008
- Makoto Nodu. "グーグルが開発者向け日本語サイト拡充、「日本人開発者に期待している」" — Internet Watch, June 11, 2008