Wikinews interviews Patricia Petersen, independent candidate for the electorate of Bundamba in the 2009 Queensland election

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Queensland parliament with independents and minor parties holding the balance of power
Image: Patrick Gillett.

With a Queensland state election coming up in Australia, many minor parties and independents will be looking to hold balance of power and making the major parties listen to what they have to say. Patricia Petersen is one of the independents.

Wikinews reporter Patrick Gillett held an exclusive email interview with Ms Peterson, candidate for the electoral district of Bundamba.

Queensland's unicameral parliament is up for election on March 21. The election campaign will run for a total of 26 days following the issue of the writs by Governor Penelope Wensley.


 ((Patrick Gillett )) Why do you want to get into parliament?

The major parties are ignoring their obligations. They are not listening or responding appropriately to the needs of those they have responsibilities to. As an Independent I'd like to ensure that they start listening and take action.

 ((PG )) What would the three main policies you are taking into this election be?

Health: We desperately need an upgrade of Ipswich Hospital and a new hospital built in the electorate. People are literally dying waiting to see staff at Ipswich Hospital and no one is doing anything about it. Moreover, the hospital is too far away. If you have a heart attack in the Bundamba electorate, your chances of survival are significantly decreased due to how long it takes to get to Ipswich Hospital by ambulance.

Education: It is highly imprudent to close down small schools. In this electorate, in particular, many of the students are Special Needs students or have serious behavioural problems. To throw these students into a large school, as this government plans on doing, is reckless to say the least. I am for keeping all schools open and building new schools; reducing class sizes and increasing teacher numbers.

Transport: It takes two hours to catch a bus from one suburb to another. Many suburbs in the electorate are landlocked. We urgently need to attend to public transport (both bus and rail services) in this electorate.

 ((PG )) How would you address these policies?

Take immediate action. Only back the government in relation to their "wish list" if they give us what we want in our electorate.We are tired of being ignored out here. People are literally, and I mean literally, starving in Bundamba.

 ((PG )) Who would you like to see get into government?


In relation to "get in" (which party) - whoever is going to start listening, really listening and take action to address some extremely serious problems in the Bundamba electorate.


This exclusive interview features first-hand journalism by a Wikinews reporter. See the collaboration page for more details.