Wikinews interviews Goronwy Price about the upcoming by-election in the Bradfield electorate of the Australian parliament

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

With two federal by-elections coming up in Australia, many minor parties and independents will be looking to gain a seat in the House of Representatives. Goronwy Price is a candidate representing the Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy party.

Mr Price is an environmentalist, adventurer and businessman from the Sydney suburb of Cremorne.

"In 1975 I founded the adventure travel company World Expeditions and built it to be the world's largest adventure organisation. I am currently Managing Director of a successful software company I founded in 1997. We export software around the world.," Mr Price said.

Wikinews reporter Patrick Gillett held an exclusive email interview with Mr Price, candidate for the Division of Bradfield.


 ((WN )) What is your background?

I have spent 30 years involved with business and the environment, and am a proponent of nuclear energy as a major part of a serious attack on climate change.

I led the first Australian expedition to the North face of Everest and the first rafting decent of the Tsangpo, the world's highest river as well as countless other adventures in the wild and beautiful corners of the world. I helped organise the first Fleet ReEnactment project, highlight of Australia's Bicentennial celebrations.

In 1975 I founded the adventure travel company World Expeditions and built it to be the world's largest adventure organisation. I am currently Managing Director of a successful software company I founded in 1997. We export software around the world.

 ((WN )) Why do you want to get into parliament?

I am standing on the single issue of embracing Nuclear Energy as part of the solution to climate change. I would seek to influence public policy to accept this. I believe we have to do two things to combat climate change;

  1. Price Carbon
  2. Provide an economically viable alternative.

It is strange that [L]abour is moving toward point 1 and the liberals seem now to be moving to point 2. We need both.

 ((WN )) What would the three main policies you are taking into this by-election be?

I would like Australia to adopt a policy recently announced in Britain - to build 10 new Nuclear power stations by 2025. If we need this we would reduce our emissions 30%.

 ((WN )) How would you address these policies?

Price carbon so it costs around 5c per Kilowatt hour of electricity instead of 2 cents. This would automatically make nuclear power viable. I would then encourage the building of power stations through rapid approvals. Of course if any renewables could compete at the same price so much the better.

 ((WN )) Sending asylum seekers to Indonesia: good or bad?

I am standing on a single issue. Although of course I have an opinion on this it is not the main issue in 2009 in Australia.

File photo: Loy Yang Power Station supplies electricity around the Australian state of Victoria.
Image: Marcus Wong.

 ((WN )) Is the Australian dollar's near parrity with the US dollar a sign that the Australian economy is healthy, the US economy in chaos or both?

In the long term they are both healthy. Economic health comes from scientific advancement and reasonable economic policies. A third factor now needs to be added - environmental policy.

 ((WN )) How do you rate the governments economic stimulus package?

Poor. China managed to spend 20% of its stimulous on environment policies, South Korea 20%, US 12% and Australia about 2%.

 ((WN )) Should it be wound back?

It should be redirected.

 ((WN )) Is Kevin Rudd a better Prime Minister than John Howard?

I'll pass on that one as I hope to attract people from both sides of the left right divide

 ((WN )) Is the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme an effective solution to climate change? Why?

Pricing carbon has to be part of the solution. While it could have been much better at least it was a start. I would have voted for it.

 ((WN )) Is there a better solution?

I would have preferred an immediate carbon tax. However in the longer term the CPRS should achieve the same.

 ((WN )) Why should the electorate vote for you?

To demonstrate they support strong action on climate change. They are welcome to go to for more information.


This exclusive interview features first-hand journalism by a Wikinews reporter. See the collaboration page for more details.