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Last edit: 20:51, 16 April 2018

American's stop targeting the President and family, Trump is looking out for America, Americans must look out for him too.The person who is dead knows the cause of the fire.Desmond Allan Dhanraj. (talk)19:57, 16 April 2018

It's pretty clear Trump is a dyed-in-the-wool narcissist; he doesn't care about the US or its people at all.

Another of his notable characteristics is extraordinary vulnerability to absurd conspiracy theories, something he seems to share with many of his core supporters.

Pi zero (talk)21:04, 16 April 2018

He also has the thinnest skin of any politician I have ever seen. Case and point the White House Correspondence Dinner. A few years ago a comedian said, "Donald Trump is considering to run for president as a Republican. I thought he was running as a joke." Well the joke is on us I guess.

AZOperator (talk)00:18, 17 April 2018