Comments:Two time Tour de France winner Laurent Fignon dies at age 50

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
?!?213:35, 4 September 2010
True champion017:55, 1 September 2010

Lots of obituaries nowadays. Not a good sign...

Kayau (talk · contribs)10:31, 1 September 2010

... a sign of what?

It means that a person who likes writing obituaries has found the time to contribute several articles to Wikinews.

InfantGorilla (talk)17:52, 1 September 2010

I meant that the world's getting too crowded, so more people pass away... but never mind, your theory works too. :)

Kayau (talk · contribs)13:35, 4 September 2010

True champion

Fignon was a true champion and a tough fighter. He fought cancer just as hard as Lance Armstrong did, and I am sorry to hear he passed, even though we knew the end was close.

InfantGorilla (talk)17:55, 1 September 2010