Wikinews interviews Chilean Paralympic skier Jorge Migueles
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Recently, Wikinews spent time with with Chilean Paralympic skier Jorge Migueles who was in Copper Mountain, Colorado for the IPC Nor-Am Cup.
)) I'm interviewing Jorge Migueles, he is here from Chile. And you're from Santiago.
- Jorge Migueles: Yes, from Santiago.
)) What you're what classification?
- Jorge Migueles: LW4, I have a prosthetic I ski with, special for skiing, I have an amputation below the knee.
)) When people think of skiing, they don't automatically think Chile as a great place for skiers, and developing skiers. How did the skier [Jorge Migueles] from Chile become a skier?
)) I take it that you really like skiing?
- Jorge Migueles: Yeah.
)) Do you do any other sports?
- Jorge Migueles: Yes, I competed in triathlon, but only for a hobby. I got training in Santiago before to come here, to ski[?] here and one, two months in Europe.
)) So the triathlon helps you with your skiing?
- Jorge Migueles: Yeah.
)) I take it your taking to go to Sochi?
- Jorge Migueles: Yeah, I try.
)) Has your country [Chile] won any Paralympic medals in the winter games?
- Jorge Migueles: No, never, neither[?] olympic nor paralympic.
)) So you want to be the first winter Paralympian medal from your country?
- Jorge Migueles: I try that. Very difficult.
)) Do you get government support for the winter Paralympic side?
- Jorge Migueles: Not yet, but I try and get support from the government because in Chile all the sport in the summer in Santiago 2014 is all the sport in the summer is all they reimburse[?], the monies go there, in the winter it's more difficult. But I try that.
)) Is winter sport popular in Chile?
- Jorge Migueles: Yeah, it's popular, but it's very expensive to practice skiing or snowboard.
)) The only other major news story that people know about in Chile is the earthquake, that didn't impact you that much you at all?
- Jorge Migueles: Yes, a lot, because when [...] had to stay here in United States training, and seeing in the news the earthquake, was very hard.
)) And your family and everything was okay, with that?
- Jorge Migueles: Yes, they're okay.
)) Is there anything people who know nothing about Paralympic sport in Chile should know?
- Jorge Migueles: In London, in the past Olympic Game, one person with disability [...], he won gold medal in London. [...] He was the first Paralympic to win a medal in the history of Chile. And now the people know this movement [The Paralympics].
)) That's very cool. Okay. Thank you very, very much.
- Jorge Migueles: Thank you.
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