Wikinews holds a follow-up interview with Max Riekse, Constitution Party candidate for the 2008 U.S. presidential election
Friday, April 25, 2008
In March, Wikinews held an exclusive interview with Max Riekse, one of the candidates for the Constitution Party nomination for the 2008 United States presidential election. With the Constitution Party's national convention underway this weekend, we spoke with him one last time before he either becomes his party's candidate or loses.
Riekse is a retired decorated Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army who served in both the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. He is also a former public school teacher and Assistant Professor of Military Science at Western Michigan University. He has a B.A. in Political Science and International Relations from the University of South Florida as well as two M.A.s, one in Political Science and International Relations, the other in Education and History. Both are from Western Michigan University.
We asked him if he thinks he has a good shot at winning the Constitution Party nomination and ultimately the presidency. He replied, "I will know Saturday the 26th if I win the nomination of the Constitution Party. As to wining the general election, I'm very sure that I will do far better then we have done in the previous 20 years as a 'third' party. I'm not only more qualified to be commander in chief then either the Democrat or Republican, but will be far better for the country."
When asked about America's illegal immigration problem he replied, "I will send all 20 to 30 million home. End birth right babies; no social security for them, etc. They are here illegally; now what part of that does anyone not understand?"
Riekse is running for president because "the Republicans and Democrats would not be having candidates that would solve the problems we have in this country and I know that I could do a lot better with my 32 years of military experience and over 20 years in Education, both in the K-12 public school venue and teaching at the University level."
edit((Wikinews (Joseph Ford) )) In the March interview, you told us why you're running for president. For those who may not have read it, please tell us again.
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: I started to run for President because I know the Republicans and Democrats would not be having candidates that would solve the problems we have in this country and I know that I could do a lot better with my 32 years of military experience and over 20 years in Education, both in the K-12 public school venue and teaching at the University level. Also I did not care for our party focusing on having a Republican lead our party in 2008; I also think we can do better with my heading the Constitution Party ticket this year then we have in the past; The number of votes we have received in past presidential elections has been pathetic giving our national platform & ideal's. I think I can do a lot better; and in the process, raise the number of votes our candidates receive for national, state and local offices.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) How would you handle foreign relations with Europe, where there are growing anti-American feelings?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: I fully understand and appreciate the feelings that Europeans have for us, especially in regards to our foreign policy. I've been to Europe, including Iceland, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Russia and some five other European countries, both as part of my military service and as a tourist. I have found Europeans most friendly and easy to get along with and communicate with. As president, we will get on very well with all Europeans, especially Russia. Russia has huge natural gas & oil deposits and it would do well that we be on good, friendly terms with them. We can be great friends if we try to. All Europeans will be treated with dignity and respect in my administration.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) Gasoline is already $3.50 a gallon and will most likely be $4.00 by summer. As president, how would you control the increasing prices?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: Gasoline and also diesel fuel which American truckers depend on, is subject largely to the law of supply and demand. Would I would do as president is push the oil companies very hard to build two new oil refiners; one on the east coast and one on the west coast in 1-3 years which will be a great help in keeping the price of gas diesel fuel down. Also, I will push hard for reducing the stress on depending on foreign oil be pushing hard for sun, wind and water power, thus greatly reducing the need for foreign oil which will also help keep the price down. I believe that we can get the price of a gal of gas down to $1.00 We also need to cut the federal gas and diesel fuel tax by 70%. We can save a lot of money for building up our roads and bridges by not sending that money to Washington.
- Another way to help bring down gas & diesel fuel cost is to put an end to free & unfair trade which has greatly increased the cost of gas & diesel fuel for truckers in this country. As 'third' world demand for oil raises, especially in China, it pushes up the cost of oil for consumers in this country. Our huge trade imbalance with communist China helps fuel the Chinese economy thus increasing their 'need' and demand & competition for worldwide oil supply. American consumers buying cheap Chinese goods are not only helping the Chinese build up their economy, but also helping to drive up the cost of oil. I will slap a stiff tariff on all Chinese imports; and lead a nationwide boycott of all Chinese imports to not only drive down the huge trade deficit with Red China, no real friend of the United States of America, but also to help bring back good paying manufacturing jobs with vested pensions and quality health benefits to working Americans. And finally, to pressure the Chinese to free Tibet from harsh deadly and repressive communist rule. Stop genocide on the Roof of the World.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) Five years after it began, the Iraq War is still raging with no end in sight. As president, how would you handle it?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: We would be out in 3-4 months of my taking office. With 32 years in the military, I know how to do it in an orderly and professional way. Within ten days of my being confirmed of being the next president, I will let those planners in the Pentagon know what I expect and to plan for it. Bush will keep the war going until the day he is out of the office. When I take office, I expect to have a plan on my desk to pull out of both Iraq and Afghanistan within 24 hours. No plan on my desk within 24 hours, I will start firing a lot of generals. I am not only a graduate of the US Army Command & General Staff College, but taught it for nearly six years.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) The American economy is worsening. How would you help the struggling working class man, woman or family?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: Put an end to free and very unfair trade, especially NAFTA; Republicans and Democrats working together gave us free, unfair trade and NAFTA. It will take Mad Max and the Constitution Party to end it. Simple.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) For many Americans, health care is a major issue. How would you handle this?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: Socialized medicine is the wrong way; look at England and Canada. It does not work very well. I will have my people study the French system. It works for both their doctors and insurance companies. We can do it in this country.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) How would you handle America's education system?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: Eliminate the Federal Education Department. The states know best how to educate their children.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) Illegal immigration is a major problem in America. How would you handle it?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: I will send all 20 to 30 million home. End birth right babies; no social security for them, etc. They are here illegally; now what part of that does anyone not understand? There are filling up our jails, prisons, stressing out our schools and hospitals. I will see to that they are ALL removed ASAP. To be sure many of them are good people, but they are illegal. Go home. They are also stressing out our environment.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) Abortion is a controversial subject amongst Americans. How would you handle it?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: This is a state issue; period. Millions of abortions have taken place since the federal government has gotten involved. I trust the states to do the right thing. Michigan is a leader in saving the unborn; and would do more if not for the federal government.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) Capital punishment is a controversial subject as well. How would you handle it?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: I support capital punishment; however something more needs to be done to insure that the wrong person does not die. More safeguards must be put in place.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) As president, would you try to limit government presence in people's lives?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: Yes; lower taxes and less government. We need a lot less government in our face; and less taxes to support big government which is way too powerful. I would cut the federal government in many areas.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) How would you handle homosexual marriages?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: This is a state issue and the federal government has no Constitutional right to get involved in this issue.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) How would you handle the environment?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: I would be the best president this nation has had in regards to the environment since President Teddy Roosevelt; I rank him right up their in high regards next to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Great Men. We can greatly reduce our dependence on foreign gas and oil by 'burning' clean fuel.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) What exactly does the Constitution Party stand for?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: The Constitution and the Bill of Rights; go to their web site and read their (our) platform.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) Why do you think it is necessary that a third party candidate be voted into the White House this year?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: End the wars, Save Social Security; I am on a Constitution Party national committee dealing with Social Security and our committee has a very good plan to not only save Social Security, but keep it well for 100 years; get it out of the hands of Congress which has robbed it. I will also end the taxation of ALL Social Security benefits for those that are retired and eliminate the earnings requirement. I will also end free trade and bring good quality, high paying jobs back top the USA with good health benefits.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) Do you think you have a good shot at winning the Constitution Party nomination? If so, do you think it is really possible to win the general election?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: I will know Saturday the 26th if I win the nomination of the Constitution Party. As to wining the general election, I'm very sure that I will do far better then we have done in the previous 20 years as a 'third' party. I'm not only more qualified to be commander in chief then either the Democrat or Republican, but will be far better for the country.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) We haven't seen many Max Riekse billboards, commercials or television appearances. Will we if you win the Constitution Party nomination? Or are you trying to have a more grassroots campaign?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: I have a good plan to get elected which will unfold and develop as my campaign goes on. It will work for me only and no other Constitution Party candidate because only I have many of the qualifications that the American people are looking for.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) Why are you a better candidate than John McCain?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: He is not fit to be commander in chief; John McCain and John Kerry working together on a US Senate Committee turned their backs on some 800 live American POW's who wanted to come home from Laos and Vietnam. He cannot be trusted with our tax dollars. He used his father's influence to get into the War College and gave very anti-American speeches in Vietnam while a POW. He is not good and does not deserve to be President. Pro-life, family values orientated Christians can not and should not trust this man. He is also very much anti-second amendment; and will as he said keep us in Iraq for the next 50-100 years.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) Why are you a better candidate than Hillary Clinton?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: She is anti-gun and will say and do anything to get elected. We cannot trust her one bit.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) Why are you a better candidate than Barack Obama?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: No experience; also will say and do anything to get elected. He is a racist.
((WN (Joseph Ford) )) There are thousands reading this right now. What could you say to convince them to give you their vote?
- Lt. Colonel Riekse: Go to my web site and read the whole thing.
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