WiMAX Forum: WiMAX usage anticipated to increase significantly over next four years

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Joint Opening of 2008 WiMAX Expo Taipei & WiMAX Forum Operator Summit.
Image: Rico Shen.

In the opening day of 2008 WiMAX Expo Taipei (June 2), WiMAX Forum and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) held the "WiMAX Forum Operator Summit" for global WiMAX operators at Far Eastern Plaza Hotel to examine and forecast the opportunity of WiMAX. In addition, WiMAX Forum released the "Executive Summary of the WiMAX Forum Global WiMAX Subscriber & User Forecast" during a press conference at Taipei Show Hall 2.

Speakers from Press Conference of WiMAX Forum Operator Summit 2008 in Taipei.
Image: Rico Shen.
With the maturity of WiMAX [industry and technology], we [the WiMAX Forum] predict that the utilization of WiMAX will reach over 133 million users globally by 2012, and regions from The Asia Pacific and North America will lead the market in total actual users. The number of global WiMAX users is expected to rise to 538 by 2012, and regions from Africa and Middle East will have the highest number of WiMAX operators in the future.

—Ron Resnick, President of WiMAX Forum

Besides of the announcements and M-Taiwan Pavilion showcase, the WiMAX Forum Taiwan Chapter also held the "Open House of M-Taiwan WiMAX Application Lab" to demonstrate the R&D achievements in Hsinchu on June 3 - 4, driving more discussions between industrial businesspeople especially in Taiwan.


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This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.