"#Defining_.27News.27" and #Goodbye moved from Wikinews:Water cooler --merriam 12:26, 7 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Defining 'News' edit

Hang with me here for I am new at using wiki...haven't had time to read the HELP material as yet.

Defining news then. I am having a hard time grasping the concept of 'news'. Especially as one would apply it to something like what Wiki appears to be. Commnunal reporting of news.

I keep getting hazed out on the subjective vs objective aspects and it keeps churning in my mind and will not solidify. Yet this morning I read two news articles that I followed from the INSTAPUNDIT blog.

One on the 2/24 Marine unit fighting in Iraqi(NY Times) and the other about the debate over Kofi Anin.

Two very big stories here. The Secretartiat General of the UN allowing greed and corruption to flourish with what later turned out to be our enemy and now we are cleaning up that mess and losing American men's lives as we do so.

So I related the two news stories together and made the conclusion that are enemy is also the Secretary General in that Iraq and Hussein flourished and gained immense power as a result of politico's taking brides and payoffs. Quite significant to me. Then I wondered, how come not a word of this was ever reported way back when it started and leading up to now? Who was hiding the facts? Who was to blame for enabling a brutal dictator to exist and pose a huge threat to so many? For the UN who is supposed to control these matters actually being Enablers for despots and terrorists.

I would then wonder why no 'whistle blowers'? Why no people down in the middle of this who may have had a grain of moral outrage did not leak this and if they did how was it that our nations (andf the worlds) news media never getting a clue?

So how does this affect WikiNews? It would provide an anonymous source for just those very types to publicly announce such happenings and events. Being worldwide in scope and as more and more 3rd world countries have net access I think it should be very possible for such to happen.

This is why we must cherish anonymity along with the freedom of information. For those who need to get the word out!!!!

This I believe is where a grassroots news vehicle like Wiki could be of great value.

I cannot qualify good news vs bad news or make the subjective vs objective distinctions. YET I know worthy news when I read it and likewise know trash when I read it as well.

Its very similiar to the subject of 'quality' that Robert Pirsig wrote of in ZMM. Actually the word 'quality' was a concept that went beyond the meaning of the word. It really included a lot of the spiritual aspects of mans conscience. Just like the motorcycle that he suggested we all maintain when he said towards the end "The motorcycle you are mainting is YOU."

So being unable to quantify the concept of quality ,other than being able to know it when you see it, I look upon 'NEWS' the same. I recognize good news when I see it and one of the very important parts of that seems to me to be the observers experiences with what is being reported.

In the NY Times piece many of the marines offered personal comments. I found them to be amazingly insightful and meaningful such that I able to grasp quite a bit of the full range of what it was like being a marine on foot patrol , trying to effect a change in a small dirty country far from home and offering your life up in the process while in the UN a major figure was allowing greed and corrupption to reign suffiecently to allow all this scaffolding and structure to come into being.

We should have taken out Kofi long long ago IMHO. We had supposed watchdogs in place who apparently failed. Was it due to lack of reporting? I suspect that anything that smells as badly as this surely must leave some clues lying about. Where was our Woodwards and Bernsteins then? Where was our vaunted major news media?

Can Wikinews do a better job? What will be it's niche? How does it define QUALITY NEWS then? If it just parrots warmed over news from other outlets then of what value is this?

I know this was lengthy and sorta SOC(stream of consciousness) but I had this thought this morning that it all seemed so clear and there was a REAL crying and I mean REAL bad need for this world and especially our country (the USA) to start 'gettting it right' or we may well start to sink and never rise again.

The terrorist war we are fighting is IMHO one of the greatest battles of mankind to date. We have engaged in that great religious based battle that started even before the huge Crusades. In fact I think it started with the bilblical history of the early history of the Hebrews. It will likely be concluded within my lifetime(may 20 yrs left to me) and will be historic or result in a fall into terrorism, hate and divide with the world finally being reduced to nuclear arms warfare.

Sounds apocalyptic I am sure but most major events I see happening today seem to glow with that aura.

Commnets? Viewpoints? This was mine. I hope WiKiNews can pull something out of their hat. Time is getting short. The internet is the ANSWER. How it is used is the 'Keys To The City'( to quote D.Hopper in Waterworld). --anon 15:06, 6 Dec 2004 (UTC)

This looks interesting, but it's a mess. I suggest you get an account and contribute an opinion piece. You would be more persuasive if you put it on its own page in your user namespace, used proper references (to articles -- never mind Waterworld) and corrected typos. --merriam 17:01, 6 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Well Merriam. I do have a account and I was logged on it. As noted I am new at using Wiki but you took a bitch slap at me anyway. Did you enjoy that? Instead of some thoughtful commentary you decided on derision. Instead of a 'helpful' and friendly tip you took the agressor route.

Unless I see an apology I will assume this is the du jour method of commenting and take myself away from this site.

What say you?

Wanta continue this catfight somewhere else or try again in a more healthy attitude?

I spent some time and thought on my comments. I didn't mean for them to be scut for your bad-hair day.

qadmon (seems Wiki won't put my moniker in so I will) ...I have been here all of 4 days and already I have a bad taste in my mouth. Oh and the precious date is 12/06/04 CST 05:35 PM in Kentucky.

You can sign posts by typing 3 ~'s or 4 ~'s. 3 will just put your name, while four will include the timestamp. Lyellin 23:32, 6 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Lighten up, dude! he was just asking you to review it and put it as an article, along with proper references. that's a praise!

Goodbye edit

Think I will take my 'mess' and just walk away.

Few years ago I was looking to host a forum for some company (my alma mater) retirees. I ran into a fewguys in another small town nearby. They were all adither over WiKi and IRC tied in. They were selling websites but they were way way outa sight.

They were all 'windowed up' and I clued them about the benefits of Linux and open source. They thought that I was missing something and they still tried to pump me up about Wiki. I looked at it briefly then and dismissed it.

Then the other day(week or so ago) I noticed a SlashDot article on this site so came on over and decided to jump it.

That didn't work out I guess and I began to sense a certain elitist NIH(not invented here) attitude hearabouts. That coupled with the snotty remark on my last post sorta clinched it for me.

So good bye then....Guess I'll stick with the somewhat lame and over modded Cmd. Taco regime until something better comes along.

Some of you folks may need a real attitude change if your serious here. Otherwise the attitudes will definitely do you in.

qadmon...30 yr retired IBM Staff Programmer and smartass(some say)

P.S. Wiki needs some userfriendly gui work also. Guess everyone carries all the tooltips in their heads. I find that a bother. User Friendly is User Friendly. Smarmy is ...well..just smarmy. As you can tell I am rather pissed by now so better get along.... someone be sure to turn the lights off when your the last one out.

P.P.S. Ohhh the two guys and their Wiki? They are road dust now. Their enterprise folded after a few months of bs and no-sales. One went back to being a noop and the other is a gofer for some tele/internet/marketeers(read spammers).

P.P.P.S. If someone is really in charge here then he needs to Take Charge. If zomebies are running the show ...well so be it.

Reading your last comments it looks like you should be fine. I had greater "insults" thrown at me on Wikipedia when I goofed up, and I still go there.
Yes, someone is in charge here. The admins list is here.
When I first saw Wikipedia I learned things rather quickly. Please have patience; there are help pages here. Cap'n Refsmmat 00:53, 7 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Oops. Should this be moved to User_talk:Qadmon? --merriam 05:51, 7 Dec 2004 (UTC)
You betcha. It's clogging up precious space for serious talk in here... sorry to contribute more fluff but really, this has to go, as well as that "Defining news" comment above... :p Shana 10:57, 7 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Your account will be renamed edit

23:20, 17 March 2015 (UTC)

Renamed edit

06:36, 21 April 2015 (UTC)