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Saturday, April 20, 2024, 03:29 (UTC)
Iran launches missiles and drones at Israel
Iran launches missiles and drones at Israel

On Saturday, Iran launched a volley of over 300 projectiles, including missiles and drones, at Israel marking a significant escalation in the long-standing tensions between the two countries.

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Islamic State Khorasan Province responsible for more than 60 people killed including children and hundreds injured at Krasnogorsk, Russia concert at Crocus City Hall
Islamic State Khorasan Province responsible for more than 60 people killed including children and hundreds injured at Krasnogorsk, Russia concert at Crocus City Hall

Gunmen killed more than 133 people and injured more than 145, including children, at a music concert at Crocus City Hall, Krasnogorsk, near Moscow, Russia on the evening of March 22.

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Bargi plant in central Italy felt with explosion
Bargi plant in central Italy felt with explosion

A hydroelectric powerplant located on Lake Suviana in central Italy was hit with an explosion last week.

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Ecuadorian police break into the Mexican embassy in Quito
Ecuadorian police break into the Mexican embassy in Quito

On Tuesday, National Police of Ecuador stormed the Mexican embassy in the capital of Ecuador, Quito, in order to arrest former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas, who sought asylum there.

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Holyday of wandering mzungu, presentation of the book by Russian adventurer took place in the Crimean capital
Holyday of wandering mzungu, presentation of the book by Russian adventurer took place in the Crimean capital

Russian Wikinews attended Russian travel writer Viktor Pinchuk's April 8 presentation at the Crimean Republican Library for Youth in Simferopol, on his book .

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MMS comes to American iPhones
MMS comes to American iPhones

MMS comes to American iPhones

Today, after two years of waiting, American iPhone users are finally able to send and receive MMS messages.

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