U.S. Supreme Court orders accused 'Enemy Combatant' Jose Padilla transferred from military to civilian custody

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Wednesday, January 4, 2006

The U.S. Supreme Court ordered Wednesday that accused "enemy combatant" José Padilla, a U.S. citizen, be transferred from military to civilian custody, in order to face charges of supporting terrorism. This latest move comes after much criticism from civil rights groups, several court rulings, and a request from the Bush administration.

Reportedly a former Chicago gang member, Padilla was arrested in 2002 as an "enemy combatant", on accusations of taking part in a plot to dirty-bomb apartment buildings, and has been held for the past three years without charge and denied legal rights applied to other U.S. citizens.

The charges he is presently facing are apparently unrelated, instead concerning his alleged aid in financing and recruiting terrorists.

The Supreme Court's ruling contradicts the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' decision made only last month.

