Two Michigan children, aged 9 and 11, charged with sex crimes
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Friday, September 21, 2007
Two boys, aged nine and 11, have been charged with coercing a seven-year-old male schoolmate in Howell, Michigan, to perform oral sex on multiple occasions, while on their way to school four months ago. All the children attend Howell Elementary School.
The victim's father reported the alleged abuse to police after the seven-year-old boy was caught performing oral sex on his younger brother - and explained that he had done it before on the school bus.
The two boys charged with sexual misconduct could be listed on Michigan state's sex offender registry if they are convicted. The older boy has been released on a US$25,000 bond, with the condition of 24-hour monitoring.
The bus where the alleged events occurred was equipped with a video camera, but Chuck Breiner, superintendent of the school, says that they do not reveal any sexual activity between passengers.
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