I don't know. Heterosexual sex acts appear to be pretty deviant to me, and yet there are special rights given to people who engage in these acts. I really fear that the heterosexual mob has used their sex acts to destroy marriage. have you seen what those who engage in heterosexual sex acts have done to marriage? But I guess that is to be expected? They do unnatural sex acts and abuse that privilege and then ask the state to dissolve their relationships because the male urges cannot be left to just one individual.

LauraHale (talk)23:34, 24 May 2013

I'm going to have to take exception to you blaming men exclusively for marriage breakdowns, Laura. I've seen enough instances where women were the ones who broke marriage vows.

Brian McNeil / talk09:43, 25 May 2013

Yes, we do our fair share. I admit.

LauraHale (talk)09:45, 25 May 2013

You said that "[H]eterosexual acts appear to be pretty deviant to me," yet this is a biological necessity. That which is necessary must be legal. Having said that, gay sex has killed well over 100 million human beings and it hasn't saved anyone yet.... soooo.... "equality" is a non-sequitur. Buyer beware of *anyone* promoting "equality" first and foremost; it's the best trick the Communists and Socialists ever employed. Always do what is right and moral rather than "equal." Refrain from calling something that is pure, "corrupt," or that which is contaminated, "pure." God have mercy on this poor sinner, and heal her mind and spirit.

Wymck (talk)00:26, 27 May 2013