Comments:Same-sex marriage passes third reading in House of Commons

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same sex marriage2201:17, 29 May 2013

same sex marriage

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 18:32, 22 May 2013

Generally we love our body,but when we stood in front of a mirror ,naked, we find nothing interesting, but at the same time when we The Men see a naked woman in front of us our sense of gratification arises, why? because we never touched a bosom,never touched the beauty that they have. so we are interesting in theirs body to feel the pleasure of intercourse,because we never experienced it earlier, but if we can experienced it day and night,if we can touch a bosom day and night it became common like our own naked body.

Now same sex became the same matter of experienced one's own body. This is nothing but a mental disorder,though it is a mental disorder but we have to respect it because above all love is the matter that exist,now whether it is physical or spiritual it is theirs matter. same sex is not possible,if somehow they find some way to please themselves let them be happy because it does not disperse bacteria or virus. If you are not interested stay apart.

thank you very much

TIBRAJYOTI DUTTA (INDIA) (talk)17:31, 22 May 2013

"but at the same time when we The Men see a naked woman in front of us our sense of gratification arises"

Err, no, if you are gay you don't feel attraction to the opposite sex. That's sort of what being gay is about.

And being attracted to another person is nothing like loving your own body. Just like listening to somebody else speak is rather different than listening to the voices in your head.

"This is nothing but a mental disorder"

Back in 1990, the World Health Organization decided to the contrary.

Tom Morris (talk)18:36, 22 May 2013

Homosexual-rights agitators all over the world are campaigning to gay up marriage -- and, in one nation after another, they are winning.

If there's a more obvious way for a nation to rebel, fist in the air to God, I don't know what it would be.

To recognize something as patently deviant as homosexual couplings, honor it side by side with a sacred union that we're now going to have to call "straight" or "opposite sex" marriage is beyond bizarre and beyond the pale of American law and jurisprudence.

All of us should be outraged. We are watching what used to be called Christian values or Western values collapse in front of us, and we are apparently too scared to do or even say anything about it.

Unfortunately, the above posts are so diminished that I cannot agree with either of them. May God have mercy on us all.

Wymck (talk)00:22, 23 May 2013

You sound like a barrel of laughs at parties, darling.

Tom Morris (talk)05:05, 23 May 2013

This doesn't have anything to do with political parties or party loyalty. We as human society are rationalizing the irrational, normalizing the abnormal, and conflating that which is holy with that which is unholy. What we have already done is dreadful and ghoulish, but to cap it off with this is particularly demonic and barbaric. Basically, Henry VIII seized the power to regulate marriage from the Catholic Church about 500 years ago because Pope Clement VII wouldn't allow him to divorce Catherine of Aragon. Henry became Fidei Defensor, the Defender of the Faith. Well, it's 2013, and nobody wants to defend the faith any more.

Wymck (talk)12:49, 23 May 2013

Good, the faith is barbaric, silly-headed and ridiculous.

I will probably regret asking, but what exactly is "irrational" about wanting to allow two men or two women who are in love with one another having the same legal protections and status from the state as opposite sex couples are currently able to?

Tom Morris (talk)13:50, 23 May 2013