And I for one am sick of the straight-but-not-narrow B.S. that passes for politically correct these days. Holier-than-thou, meet more-tolerant-than-thou. Except of course that tolerant isn't tolerant if it is intolerant of intolerance. Which it is. And tolerance of vice is no virtue.

I will stipulate that monkeys and many other animal species commit homosexual deeds. They also fling their feces at one another. These acts are not examples of superior behavior.

Of course there are generational shifts in social paradigms. But the assertion that an idea must be good because it is old (appeal to tradition) is no more a fallacy than appeal to modern thinking is a fallacy. Opposing new ideas is a valid exercise! So, why should I move? Why don't *you* move?

Wymck (talk)02:14, 27 May 2013

Ah, memetic warfare!

Ideas are beautiful and fragile things; attack people, not ideas.

And if you think that's an incitement to violence, I've a bridge you might be interested in buying.

Anonymous08:43, 27 May 2013

Phooey. The clash of opposing ideas makes us think, and thinking makes our ideas better. Those whose arguments don't hold water, don't want to get wet.

Wymck (talk)19:18, 27 May 2013

Oh, and P.S., attacking the messenger instead of the message is called ad hominem (and, of course, it is a formal fallacy.)

Wymck (talk)19:56, 28 May 2013