Retrospective complaining

The people of Britain love whinging so much (as I am now) that they will actually hear of a reason to complain, investigate the offending material in the hope of getting offended, get offended and then complain about it!

Everything about Eastenders is offensive to me and people who watch it should be culled.

Mcchino64 (talk)11:13, 9 January 2011

In my frustration I forgot to add my point which was that although the article states the amount of complaints to date - it says nothing about the fact that more complaints arise once people hear on the news that people are complaining and that this ought to have been included as it is very relevent.

Mcchino64 (talk)11:17, 9 January 2011

Totally agree about culling this pathetic show.I have rows in our household because my partner and daughter watch it.I tried to watch it to keep the peace but its so stupid for words.You must be brain dead to watch this show its full of misery shouting and fighting all the time.And its on the screens far too often so give people with a brain something to watch for a change. I ask why do people watch this show? and the reply is usually Escapism so I reply put your head in the gas oven and turn the gas on and escape that way! (talk)09:35, 10 January 2011