Sugar coating isn't what I'm talking about.

Pi zero (talk)02:01, 8 November 2012

That's too laconic. I'll try to do a little better.

You're tending, in this thread, to oversimplify things. The alternative to sugar-coating isn't destructive criticism, which is, unfortunately, how you came across (and I responded too readily to the negative tone). And it isn't necessary to choose one aspect of the situation that is the only one that could be improved. Wikinewsies (and people in general) should never stop striving to improve. I've been noting potentials for improvement on several fronts here; the article, my review technique, my discussion technique, and your... er. I won't say "discussion technique" because that's too narrow. Your approach to the whole situation. Not just how you express yourself, but the the questions you ask yourself that lead you to choose what to say, before how to say it ever comes up. (Did I mention I'm not advocating sugar-coating? :-)

Pi zero (talk)02:31, 8 November 2012