Excellent news service to cause and community
Nonsense, Anonymous is completely within it's rights as cyber activists to "muscle in" on a case of cyber bullying that lead to a girl's suicide and a subsequent coverup
Maybe Rehtaeh knew she would get nowhere trying to fight her attackers, since these leches are so prized by their community
The authorities are more interested in protecting the accused than punishing them, and to me that makes them the villians, not the vigilantes stepping in to fill the cracks in the law
Breaking the law is wrong. It constitutes "reckless disregard for the rights of others". Interfering with a criminal investigation or with the ability to prosecute criminals is morally wrong and often is also a crime. Vigilanteism is wrong. If the criminal justice system is broken, then the correct, moral response is to work, together and individually, to fix the system.
"Anonymous" the vision is awesome and precious. But "Anonymous" the movement is rapidly becoming a meaningless, desperate effort to attract media coverage. In truth, "Anonymous" was never more than a media event, and like all media events, will soon become "old news". This new "operation" is just another step down the spiral staircase to irrelevance.
In today's society, the only way to organize a revolution is to have a specific, articulated vision and a specific, articulated plan for achieving that vision, and that plan must embrace the paradigm of LAWFUL REVOLT.
Yes, Jackie Dangerously's assessment is simple and fair, both of Rehtaeh's final act and of Anonymous's "grass-roots" activism.
IMO, the criminal justice system is clogged and corrupt. So I agree with the general thrust of what you say. I only disagree with your proposed solution, because (1) it might result in preventing the prosecution of the boys, (2) it might make the system MORE clogged and corrupt and dysfunction than it already is, and (3) it recklessly disregards the rights of "the People" to establish and maintain institutions to promote justice and liberty. For example, if the local district attorney is not getting the job done, the responsible response is to either replace the DA or to help him or her identify and eliminate the obstacle to getting the job done. Bypassing the DA with a vigilante action does not fix the problem; it will likely make it worse. It is also a new crime, a new offense against the public. In this instance, Anonymous is just a criminal, no better than some murderer who claims that his victim "deserved to die".