Talk:Danish police arrest three in cartoonist murder plot
Latest comment: 16 years ago by SVTCobra in topic Notes: translations of quotes
Notes: translations of quotes
editI translated the following quotes myself. Here I will list the Danish followed by what I translated it into:
- (da) "Jeg kan bekræfte, at formålet med PETs indsats i Århus natten mellem den 11. og 12. februar har været at forhindre et planlagt drab på en af tegnerne bag de Muhammed-tegninger, som Jyllands-Posten offentliggjorde den 30. september 2005." - politimester Jakob Scharf, PET
- (en) "I can confirm, that the purpose of PET's action in Aarhus in the night between the 11th and 12th of February was to prevent a planned killing of one of the cartoonists behind the Muhammed-drawings, which Jyllands-Posten published on September 30, 2005." - commisioner Jakob Scharf, PET
- (da) Jakob Scharf siger, »fortsat være genstand for PETs interesse«.
- (en) Jakab Scharf says, "will continue to be of interest for the PET".
- (da) "Jeg har ingen idé om, hvad der nu skal ske. Bolden ligger hos Politiets Efterretningstjeneste, og det er dem, der må lukke munden op og fortælle, hvad meningen er med alt dét her. Jeg aner ikke, hvad næste skridt bliver," siger forsvareren.
- (en) "I have no idea about what is going to happen next. The ball is in the court of PET, and they are they ones who need to starting talking and explain the meaning of all this. I have no idea what the next step is," says the (public) defender.
- (da) »Sagen viser desværre, at der også i Danmark er grupper af ekstremister, som ikke anerkender og respekterer de grundprincipper, det danske folkestyre bygger på,« Statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen
- (en) "Unfortunately, this case shows, that in Denmark, too, there are groups of extemists, who do not recognize and respect the founding principles upon which the Danish people's government is built," Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen
- (da) "Vi må i de danske medier sende et klart og utvetydigt signal til alle, der måtte få samme vanvittige tanke som dem, der ville angribe Kurt Westergaard," siger Berlingske Tidendes chefredaktør Lisbeth Knudsen
- (en) "We must in Danish media sent a clear and unambiguous message to all, that might get the same insane thoughts, as those who would attack Kurt Westergaard," says BT chief editor Lisbeth Knudsen
-- --SVTCobra 02:57, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
Any chance you could crop the cartoon panel to just show his own cartoon? It would seem more contextual for the article. Sherurcij 08:24, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
- I thought about that ... however, I think that showing the context in which the image was first published, is almost as important as the image itself. --SVTCobra 14:33, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
Why doesn't someone make this the leed? I think the OZ sotry has been up long enough, no? Nyarlathotep - (talk) 12:20, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
I have deleted the opinion that the 'turban' cartoon was the most offensive of the group (plus made a few grammar edits). If anyone can find a source (unlikely, I think) for that assertion, feel free to reinsert it. StockGear - (talk) 15:15, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
- That's fine. I thought it was actually mentioned in one of sources as I try to be careful, but still, it is rather pov and doesn't add much to the article. --SVTCobra 02:14, 14 February 2008 (UTC)