Ruling Liberals of British Columbia attack opposition in election campaign

May 10, 2005

With a less than an impressive outcome from the Leadership Debate, the ruling British Columbia Liberal Party came out with a very aggressive strategy over the weekend, stalking the campaign of rival New Democratic Party of British Columbia (NDP).

In a clear shift of tactics away from promoting their economic record as deserving a second term in office, the Gordon Campbell campaign told voters in Mission that an NDP government would be a return to the days of premier Glen Clark, who led the province during an economic downturn. "Do you really want the old Glen Clark gang back in the cabinet room?" Campbell asked a crowd of supporters.

A radio debate had all three candidates before the voters again, but without the open debate format which seemed to give Campbell difficulty in the televised debate. Working to support Green leader Adrienne Carr's attacks on NDP leader Carole James, Campbell's strategy was likely to split the more liberal voters.

James and the NDP have responded that the Liberals must be feeling nervous, or frustrated, since they've abandoned campaigning on their record in favour of a negative campaign. "I think we've struck a chord. He's trying to fight the 2001 election. I'm making sure that the voters have an opportunity to look at his record."


The province of British Columbia will hold general elections May 17, 2005.

The ruling Liberal party swept into office in 2001, winning 77 of 79 legislative ridings and forming their first government since 1953. In the process they reduced the former ruling party to 2 seats, primarily on a series of leadership scandals and the FastCat Fiasco.

British Columbia election latest
