Proposed New Zealand Day opposed in Parliament

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The New Zealand Day bill has been opposed 117 votes to two in Parliament tonight. The bill would have replaced New Zealand's founding day, Waitangi Day with New Zealand Day.

The timing is right for New Zealand to actively and positively advance our national identity – starting with a new national day.

—Peter Dunne

Waitangi day is on February 6 each year and celebrates the signing of New Zealand's founding document, the Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti o Waitangi).

The Select Committee that reviewed this bill on February 23 recommended that the bill was not passed. The vote tonight was a formality. They stated that the bill would have created disharmony within society.

Peter Dunne's United Future party lead the bill by Judy Turner and were the only votes tonight.

Peter Dunne said that a New Zealand Day would not encourage racism unlike Waitangi Day.

Dunne is now drafting up a new bill that would retain Waitangi Day, but either change Queen's Birthday or start Dominion Day back up.
