Iran to abandon Nuclear Non Proliferation (NPT) if threatened to cut down on nuclear activities

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Saturday, February 11, 2006 Coming on the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that if forced to limit its nuclear activities, Iran will altogether abandon the NPT.

Ahmad said that the nuclear program is a peaceful pursuit to better "industry, medicine and economy". Addressing large crowds in Tehran, he attacked the notion of a referral to the United Nations Security Council, and the perceived bullying by the board of the International Atomic Energy Agency. He further warned, in reference to Article IV of the NPT which allows for civilian development of nuclear energy, in exchange for nuclear weapons states disarming (Article VI), that "On the other hand, if we are seeing that in total disregard for our following these rules and regulations that you still push to impose on Iranian rights- understand that it will not be tolerated and that the nation of Iran will reconsider its policies".

Although the vast majority of sovereign states (187) are party to the NPT, Iran would join the small minority of states that are not party to the NPT. North Korea withdrew from the NPT on January 10, 2003. India, Pakistan, and Israel are not parties to the NPT.

Having previously reiterated in 2004 that it would not leave the NPT, Iran performed a u-turn on its position towards treaty signatories, first showing signs during September 2005 when Iran's top nuclear negotiator that it would quit the NPT when Ali Larijani warned that Tehran could quit the NPT if brought before the UNSC.



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