Controlled explosions take place as police enquiry into UK bombings continues

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

New Scotland Yard, the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Force

A suspicious bag has undergone a controlled explosion outside a London Underground station, as has a car outside a mosque in Glasgow, Scotland.

These police actions come in the wake of failed terror attacks involving car bombs in London and at Glasgow International Airport on 29th and 30th June.

The terror threat level in the UK remains critical, indicating that an attack could be expected imminently and high security is in evidence on mass transport routes, while the police continue their investigations. Earlier this morning, a controlled explosion took place on a suspicious package discovered outside Hammersmith Station on the London Underground system. The scare led to the closure of Hammersmith and Barons Court stations for one hour.

Two other stations, Tower Hill and East Ham, were closed in similar circumstances. All four stations have now been reopened.

Sky news reports that three controlled explosions took place on a car outside a mosque in Glasgow, in order to allow police to gain entry to it. The mosque itself is not being linked to the terror attacks.

The Muslim Council of Britain has condemned the attacks, and has urged Muslims throughout the country to assist in police investigations.

The police force is continuing its investigations throughout the country, with an open appeal to the country for vigilance in reporting anything suspicious.

Anti-Terrorist Hotline Number
For providing information to authorities about terrorist activities, contact the anti-terrorism hotline at: 0800 789 321
