Comments:United Nations denounces Russian annexation of Ukrainian territories

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Moved from header221:13, 10 November 2022
Nicaragua102:37, 3 November 2022

Moved from header

countries sending weapons to Ukraine are supposed to negotiate for peaceful solutions instead of sendind weapons these countries must also be blamed for war crimes as civilians will be killed in cross fire

Augusthorsesdroppings10 (talk) (moved from header)02:41, 3 November 2022

oh,yeah? (talk)05:05, 7 November 2022

As I said in the heading, signature and edit summary, not my comment. I copied it down from the header to keep the page from going wonky.

Augusthorsesdroppings10 (talk)21:13, 10 November 2022

Unclear what's in it for Nicaragua when they vote to oppose. Looks like that's ruled by Sandinista National Liberation Front, what is described as a socialist party. Doesn't explain much to me, though.

Gryllida (talk)23:31, 2 November 2022

They tend to side with Russia, China, North Korea, etc., internationally. The ties have been there since the days of the Soviet Union. Nicaragua was supportive of Russia's annexation of Crimea and voted against the UN resolution condemning it for the Ukraine invasion.

Augusthorsesdroppings10 (talk)02:37, 3 November 2022