Comments:School on Australia's Sunshine Coast makes staff redundant, requests they apply for 'new' jobs

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Really?912:55, 26 August 2010

This is world news? Not hardly. Waste of space. No one really cares if 22 people lost their jobs when millions and millions are unemployed. Come on....

Bravo601 (talk)13:24, 24 August 2010

Did we say it is world news?

This site is for ordinary people to gather news from all around the world.

Mr Gillett cares, as do other people in Queensland, and we have lots of space to fill (you can help), so lets not worry about wasting it.

InfantGorilla (talk)13:48, 24 August 2010

Mr. Gillett shouldn't have even written the article considering the whole "neutrality" issue. Correct?

Bravo601 (talk)16:20, 24 August 2010

Incorrect. Conflict of interest has been appropriately declared and neutrality independently checked.

Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs)16:31, 24 August 2010

That's why anything "Wiki" related will never be accepted as a proper source of information. (talk)17:17, 24 August 2010

I agree. The fact that everything is far more transparent than and verified as well as any newspaper makes it clear that there is no reliability here at all.

Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs)17:33, 24 August 2010