Comments:Osama bin Laden killed in U.S. operation in Pakistan, White House says

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this report is based on totally false statement and has not got a single proof. This is just a propaganda against pakistan
Very impressive the amount of verifiable information presented in such little time. Keep up the good work!
Agreed, amazing article.
I'm probably a minority here, but the images of Americans celebrating today really make me feel sick. Sure, I'm glad he's dead, but doesn't rejoicing in it make them as bad as him? To quote Martin Luther King Jr., "I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness—only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate—only love can do that."
there was a day almost 10 years ago that was more worthy of rejoicing...and there will be more [1]. Two can play at that game...and so dawns on us that ever GREAT CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS!
Well, I'm not sure on the minority bit, but it truly made me sick. Whats even more annoying is that over youtube and forums, there are people spamming 'O CELEBRATE TEH OSAMA IS DED', etc.
Also, that quote is absolutely brilliantly beautiful.
In New York City, they were happy that the one who killed more than 2000 people was finaly brought to justice. Many were. My gosh, were the one with the death penalty. We like some others, like revenge. This is revenge for killing thousands of innocent citizens.
I am glad to see I am not the only one with this point of view.
I'll add that the MLK quote is gorgeous and enlightening.
Fake quote is fake.
You have to laugh at anybody silly enough to read that "quote" and agree with it, let alone think it is real.
Whilst the quote isnt genuine, it is quite good nonetheless.
And why would one laugh at people who agree with it?
Obama (a proven liar) says that Osama Bin Laden has been killed. Great, but something doesn't smell right about the details of this story.
So they gave Bin Laden a "burial at sea" in keeping with Islamic tradition only hours after they killed him? Give me a break!
Can we please have some indisputable forensic proof that the person who was killed was actually Osama Bin Laden, and not some body double?
Obama is not a liar. He has ever showed himself to be an honorable man. Former Presidents G.W. Bush and Bill Clinton both took our President at his word. If that isn't good enough for you, the problem is you.
There is indeed a very strong smell of rotten fish, not just "fishy". Uncle Osama might be sitting pretty in a cave laughing his turban off. I think this is just another ploy by Obama to gain popularity. (comment from South Africa) (talk) 14:14, 2 May 2011 (UTC)
Surely this would be a very transparent ploy if bin Laden turned up on YouTube with a copy of todays newspaper; I don't think that conspiracy theories are going to be needed here. The DNA evidence probably sin't actually conclusively verified yet, I doubt it can be done so rapidly, although this is a special case. The very rapid burial at sea was probably to avoid hoards of people coming to either a burial site or storage facitlity to sing his praises or piss on it and cause a massive riot.
The newspapers are all in with Obama anyway, so I bet that wouldn't prove anything.
The GOP (all time champions at lying) are now saying that the President made it up. I guess those NAVY seals are lying too? Go grow a pair GOP time to man up!
In the United States, we try to respect others' religions. Also another reason we put him at sea, other than being closer to hell, no one could go there and honor him.
Do you honestly think that Bush would have given him a bath and proper Muslim burial? No way! This was one Muslim to another!! They should of tied his a-- to the back of the ship and pulled his a-- all the way to America! If there was anything left after the critters. Then give him a proper Godfather burial mix some concrete with piss and let him sleep with the fishes! Burn in hell Osama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No one has the right to do wrong - Viktor Frankl.
Doing wrong includes not respecting death and death wills. I think it is wrong to enjoy the death of anyone, whoever it may be. Even in the case of Bin Laden, there is no happiness in dying.
However, the end of an icon of terrorism is to be celebrated, not as the death of a human being, but exactly the end of an icon. Two extremely different concepts.
I would hope the Bush administration would have respected the Muslim funeral traditions. But in my view, Bush is such an incompetent, liar, puppet and overall just dumb, that he would have requested, just like you have, to tie his a-- to the back of the ship and pulled his a-- all the way to America! . Such a process is disrespectful and plain wrong.
Clearly my friend DNA test verifies that thing
So, Osama bin Laden managed to:
- Evade capture for ten years
- Manage to influence the foreign policy of the US drastically
- Become a household name
- Make half the world paranoid of each other
- Create an event that will be remembered a century from now
- Make Schneier angry
If you ask me, it looks like bin Laden won.
You mean he is winning, right? His legacy will continue to affect the world for years to come.
I don't see a restored Muslim caliphate on the horizon, which is really what he wanted. And in the end, impious, atheistic/Christian Westerners are pretty much pwning the Middle East. I can't help but think that Osama must have been a little disappointed.
We should've tied him up at ground zero and let every American kick him in the balls, then killed him. Or sent him to Guantanamo. Give 'em a chance to catch up on their torture practices.
Nice idea, but since he didn't have the "balls" to come out of hiding, we can only assume he was made a eunuch after his last sprog was born, and thus wouldn't have had any cojones for us to kick him in :)
Finally. The most wanted man by the FBI since 2001 is now captured, and dead. This could turn out to be very good news for the Obama administration and for the US military. They have achieved a goal that Bush or Clinton couldn't do. Expect Obama to win re-election next year, his new campaign slogan may be, "We caught that motherf----r! I told you I could bring change." Lol, that would be humorous
I agree with you on Bush that he could have done more to get Osama. But I don't agree with you on Clinton! He had several chances to kill him but everytime Osama was hiding behind civilians and children. I know of 2 chances where his headquarters were in a school house with children present. No president would give that order while children were present! The only change Obama has brought is the spare change I have in my pocket. Vote Tea Party if you really want to change america!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Change America?? I think the Tea Baggers are out to destroy America and our core values. Obama is doing a great job as a president and now has one more reason why he should be re-elected. GO OBAMA!!!!
I work in the prison system in America and when you have inmates cheering for Obama there is something wrong! I had 3 inmates tonight that are not Americans saying that killing Osama was wrong and America will pay for it one way or another! That's coming from his voters other wise he would secure the borders and keep this people out of America. CORE VALUES????? Free handouts, well fair, free health care, help with your mortgage!!!! Your family values not mine!!!!!! My family values were get up and get a job pay your own way.
Even when America wins the Tea Party finds a way to insult Obama. Typical the right will never stop until everyone agrees with them or they "make" everyone agree with them. Go worship Ayn Rand in some hole in the ground.
Ah, the "delightful" Tea Party.
Those would be the malodorous cretins who've been spamming various Wikinewsie contact addresses with the most hideous nonsense since the Internet was invented.
I dislike being invited to give my credit card details so they can robo-spam every fax machine in Washington D.C. I most certainly will not be giving it out in response to redneck propaganda being sent frim Indian email addresses.
Yes, there's your precious Tea Party; they've outsourced their online campaigning to India - likely to avoid being in breach of the CAN-SPAM act.
Obama is doing a "great job" as president only if you consider the destruction of the American Economy a good thing!
Please don't comment if you're ignorant.
You are ignorant. The goal that Obama achieved wouldn't have been possible without the legwork of the previous administration. It just so happened that the CIA found were bin Laden was during Obama's term. Do you honestly think that Bush wasn't looking for him? Do you honestly think that thousands of American soldiers died in Afghanistan for fun? Learn your stuff before you start preaching that Obama did all of this. He merely completed the task set forth by his predecessors. This was a collaborative effort, not an accomplishment for the Obama administration. It was in fact the men and women serving this country that did this. I don't expect Obama to be re-elected off of this. I honestly think he will need to do more than this to win another election.
This is a very sad statement, someone should take away this person's cap lock key.
Thing is, the average person doesn't give a crap who did the legwork. All they're going to remember come election day is that Obama's the one who was on top when it happened, regardless of which administration did all the work on way or another.
The Bush Administration did little good for America. Because of Bush, the Obama administration ended up having to clean up his past mistakes and problems. For example, America had to deal with the recession that started during Bush's last year in his presidency, and Obama is now fixing the economic crisis. While I somewhat agree Bush may have tried looking for Osama bin Laden, instead he started an unnecessary war in Iraq, under the pretense of War on Terror, and made little progress of finding Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan. Two years later after Bush retires, and almost a decade after 9/11, bin Laden is finally found, and killed. If anything Obama, his administration, and the US military deserve the credit for finding the most wanted terrorist since 2001, not Bush. End of story.
before you enjoy the success of U.S, i suggest you to watch the documentary named 'American Zeigiest'..... Trust me its really worth it......
before you enjoy the success of U.S, i suggest you to watch the documentary named 'American Zeigiest'..... Trust me its really worth it......
Koolaid drinkers and well fair babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it's absolutely wonderful what America can accomplish when their Playstation Network is down.
Why is assassination being supported by all sorts of countries that oppose the death penalty?
It was the United States who killed Osama bin Laden. No other country did it. However they support his death since bin Laden committed a horrible atrocity known as 9/11. It's not the death penalty, it's justice.
It still is a death penality.
To go back on the question asked by Mattisse, I know that Saudi Arabia did not want to host OBL nor in prison, neither in a cemetery.
If were captured alive, he would have been the sacred cow. You would have had to place him in a very particular environment. Not only would that place have to be extremely secure, but you would have to find the right people to gard him. In the world, people either profoundly hated him or profoundly loved him: there aren't many shades of gray in his case.
If he would have been guarded by haters, they would have killed him or torture him (and by the same occasion, rendering him an even bigger martyr). On the contrary, with loving guards, if would have been liberated immediately. Plus, I'm pretty sure there are enough lovers of him out there ready to kamikaze themselves in order for him to escape.
Finally, I'll remind that a chance to surrender was given and , while starting to shoot, he supposedly said he preferred dying. It isn't the first time he refused surrendering. In fact, in a video dating back to 2003, he mentioned he would never allow himself to be captured alive.
Justice is done in a court of law by lawyers, judges and juries; not by Navy SEALS.
There aren't as yet enough facts to label this an assassination. Even if bin Laden was unarmed, you can't expect the soldiers there to have known that. And that's not taking into account the other people who were in the house with bin Laden.
To call this justice is absurd and offensive, in my opinion.
Why do I have a feeling that this will only make the conflict more profound, because all of Bin Laden's followers are PO-ed that the US killed him?
The Taliban, the US, etc. are all involved in a nonsensical war. Stop killing people, then there will be peace.
That only works if both sides jointly agree to stop killing people.
What the fuck do you call blowing up the world trade center then? How can you say that each and every one of those people killed on 9/11 deserved to die?
Uncle Osama's so-called death will achieve NOTHING. There are so many successors all too willing to take his place. The US government is busy bulshitting the people. (talk) 14:25, 2 May 2011 (UTC)
and while were at it the admission of Palestine into the UN in the next few months and the us cut off of aid will only let liberators then fill the vaccum (iran, china, etc! god bless them forces of good for the world!)
I doubt that Palestine will become an independent state within the next couple of months. In fact, not only has the US and Israel always refused to talk with Hamas, which they consider as a terrorist group, but yesterday the Hamas government leader condemned the killing of Bin Laden. That will definitely not help manners at all.
Why wasn't he captured alive? As someone said "the truth about 9/11 is we don't know the truth about 9/11". What about the nanothermite found in New York 9/11 dust?
What is nanothermite?
If were captured alive, he would have been the sacred cow. You would have had to place him in a very particular environment. Not only would that place have to be extremely secure, but you would have to find the right people to gard him. In the world, people either profoundly hated him or profoundly loved him: there aren't many shades of gray in his case.
If he would have been guarded by haters, they would have killed him or torture him (and by the same occasion, rendering him an even bigger martyr). On the contrary, with loving guards, if would have been liberated immediately. Plus, I'm pretty sure there are enough lovers of him out there ready to kamikaze themselves in order for him to escape.
Finally, I'll remind that a chance to surrender was given and , while starting to shoot, he supposedly said he preferred dying. It isn't the first time he refused surrendering. In fact, in a video dating back to 2003, he mentioned he would never allow himself to be captured alive.
How can they compare DNA when they a) don't have his in the first place, and b) he has approx 50 brothers/sisters that would therefore make it impossible to simply "compare" it to his sisters to get a match. I think the USA needs to provide some more unbiased and factual information before people should just outright believe what they're told (AGAIN)!
It is not actually that difficult to make a positive DNA match based on the DNA of close family members, especially when a Y chromosome is involved.
Umm. Fyi, children get 50 percent of their DNA from each parent. As a result, a siblings' and blood relatives' DNA are all similar. That's why related persons' DNA can be used to identify others.
I heard they had DNA from a family member already. They just need to compare the samples. But you know the pictures or a video will be leaked to the press!
On this topic, the claim that his identity has been verified through DNA testing should be removed. The results of the test are not yet released. Those things take several days.
This is great news, however, its hard to believe its true. We need more proof than what the White House says. Stangely, the body has also already been disposed of without any photos, etc.
There are photos (apparently). But they're pretty gruesome. And the body has been disposed of as according to the customs of the religion he followed.
not as great a news as that of the consequences to follow...remember there lots of ways to celebrate the deaths of terrorists...[1]
Its better news than him sending bombs over in America and killing thousands. Also, the military men and women decide to put their self at risk to protect us (speaking as a American.)
thank god
I couldn't agree more. I'm glad he's gone, and I'm just waiting now for the release of his "martyr tape".
I would like to see some real hard and undeniable evidence and not a bunch of talking heads and flapping mouths on the television
AMERICA, FUCK YEAH! That is all.
Haha that's the same thing I was thinking.
Ding dong, the bitch is dead!