Comments:Netta wins Eurovision Song Contest for Israel

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Cultural appropriation618:03, 16 May 2018

Cultural appropriation

Cultural appropriation is such a garbage concept. Was Netta mocking the Japanese? No? Well, then stfu, Joana Ramiro. Nobody appointed you the defender of Japanese culture. And by the definition of so-called cultural appropriation, as if it matters, Netta is part of a much smaller minority so it should be impossible for her to culturally appropriate. Joana Ramiro is nothing but an SJW busybody whose divisive opinions should be ignored at every turn.

SVTCobra13:21, 16 May 2018

In this particular case I think the point was that these Eurovision songs should generally be characteristic of the culture of the respective countries. However, I kind of agree about the concept of cultural appropriation in general. It might seem reasonable at first, protecting cultural identities, but in the bigger picture, cultural purity is a rallying cry of ultra-nationalism.

Pi zero (talk)13:40, 16 May 2018

You are not the only one who can exercise freedom of expression. Nobody appointed you to defend the "beautiful creature", who was too busy singing about "stupid boy" and yet call it "empowering" song. If Ramiro wants to point out something, who the hell are you asking them to shut up? Surely you have not watched the video to make a fair comment. 100+ Maneki-neko dolls, yet audacity to say that. Funny to see you exercising your constitutional rights per the first amendment, but want to curtail other's fundamental rights to freedom of expression. (talk)17:29, 16 May 2018

LOL ... I am not so much defending Netta ... I am attacking Ramiro. The concept of cultural appropriation should not exist and there's nothing to point out. My telling her to "stfu" is not curtailing her freedom of speech, it's more saying her statements are complete garbage and nobody should listen to her. Have you seen her twitter? It's a never-ending stream of bitching and moaning. She is dividing people, not helping to bring together any kind of common understanding.

The funny thing is Netta and Ramiro are both obviously fourth-wave feminists. So, they should be allies, right? Well, no. The philosophy is so toxic that they will eat each other as they attack anyone and everyone with their bullshit message. I did not watch the video, but I have seen still photographs.

You've seen the video of the performance. Were you offended on behalf of the Japanese people? Was Netta oppressing them? I understand there was a Pokemon involved in this dire human tragedy.

SVTCobra17:50, 16 May 2018

But you did not hesitate assuming she was defending the culture. (talk)17:54, 16 May 2018

I didn't have to assume. That's what she said she was doing. And, yes, I've read a lot more of her tweets than just the one in the article.

SVTCobra17:59, 16 May 2018

If I was reporting her tweets as hate-speech or some other nefarious shit, then you could say I was trying to curtail her freedom of speech. Saying "stfu" does no such thing.

SVTCobra18:03, 16 May 2018