Comments:Foxconn under pressure after tenth employee suicide this year

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "the factory even force employe..."015:27, 8 September 2010
Why are they killing themselves202:31, 3 June 2010

Comments from feedback form - "the factory even force employe..."

the factory even force employee to sign of a contact not to suicide. not SER at all, the bloody facotory (talk)15:27, 8 September 2010

Why are they killing themselves

There must be some problem with that factory. Do they abuse workers or anything?

Kayau (talk · contribs)13:41, 28 May 2010

Foxconn has a number of employees equivalent to the population of the US state of Wyoming, which had 101 suicides in 2007 * [1]. What's interesting is that its rate of suicide is higher than that of all but 3 states; it was even #1 in 2006. "There must be some problem with that state"?

By comparison, D.C. also has roughly the same population and 36 suicides, and it also has the lowest rate of suicide when compared to the states. Still more than Foxconn, even if the suicide trend continues through the year to reach 20.

Something to consider!

* This site doesn't allow direct linking to the statistics page. It can be reached under About Suicide: Facts and Figures: State Statistics.

Fishy c (talk)17:15, 28 May 2010

Suicide is very prevalant these days when it comes to technology there is a lot of pressure to succeed (talk)02:31, 3 June 2010