Comments:'Worst song of all time' becomes YouTube sensation

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worst 4 minutes of my life
i think its an awful song but its well mean how she gets all them hate comments about the song because after i heard her other my moment i realised she can sing and friday song was just one big awful mistakee.
Simon Cowell is English, he wouldn't say "gotten" he says "got". Also the stats are wildly out of date. change them!!!
What on earth are you wittering on about stats? This isn't Wikipedia, those are the stats as-at date of publication.
Do you make a habit of revising history, or demanding others do such?
Do you make a habit of defending out of date rubbish, and speaking so rudely to people directly.? I would have happily updated the article had their been the possibility to.
Thankfully, the article is locked to prevent people like you trying to rewrite history. History is uneditable, though many politicians and corporations doubtless wish it weren't.
I also find it amusing you can come in screaming demands with umpteen exclamation marks, and then act offended when someone dares to be almost as rude as you.
woah don't be such a fascist. 4
Do you even know what a fascist is?
Nevermind. I at least know what a pompous, uninformed, ass is; If you want to know, go look in a mirror.
This is a news site, not an encyclopedia. You don't go "editing" the historical record – which, incidentally, this article is part of. If what thine eye perceives offends thee, then try plucking your eyeball out.
Why, yes. Yes, I do speak rudely to people like yourself.
If you're offended you have an off switch for your computer.
This song is HORRIBLE!!!! She says Friday weird I swear to mu'fukin god, this chick needs to fuckin die, cain't sang!!!! :/ I wanna meet her and slap the shit out of her!!!
Yeah right.
Rebecca should not be hated! I think her "Friday" is thoughtful. You'd need a lot of courage and hope to make a song about a day of the week. No matter what those haters say, they will hate but they have made Rebecca and Justin famous. Without haters, Rebecca wouldn't be a viral celebrity. I know that those haters actually like her, and just go with the hate comments. I am a fan of Rebecca, and if you are reading this, be one too! :')
I've always wondered about this. How exactly, other than asking, do you know if an artist is using autotune? I understand that if you pitch shift to extremes it makes things sound very odd but for normal correction of off notes, can it be heard? Can anyone give me an example of a song where you can hear the signs?
The really obvious unhuman shifts in pitch of her voice to better match the songs beat, as well as the robotic sort of tone it gives. You get the impression from watching the video that she's pretty much talking the whole way through, and not singing. They use auto-tune to make it seem like she's singing and has great range.
When A rickroll gets interrupted by -this- abomination, you know it's bad.
Who would actually be DUMB enough to listen to the song. But the music video's worse. It's cheap and it doesn't sound like she's singing. Don't listen to this. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Decent song cannot stand the part though when she says after that its saturday then its sunday... That line is bizarre
Get better people to write about and add some decorations to the website it will get more popular and when i read info its borin
It's so freakn' catchy! Her voice is annoying but hey, what 13 year old has a good voice? My favorite teacher sang it at the teacher talent show at school. Be happer Decky!
Why is this news? Why is she getting unwarranted attention when there are thousands of worthy artists on YouTube?
Who the fuck is Rebecca Black?
It's an awful song, I'll give you that. But she's 13. The death threats seem going way too far for what was basically a bit of fun.
I couldn't agree with you more on the first part. I never knew the sounds of a moose being humped by a blue whale while being dragged by a car transporter could be interpreted as music, but such is people's taste these days. that I'm probably way behind the young'uns. Her age isn't important; what is, is the fact that she basically couldn't sing for a sweety.
BarkingFish, a little perspective, maybe? There's a place for criticism, and that is works of actual art. This isn't the end of the world. The chick's right, man, it's terrible the way people felt the need to say hurtful things to her, GIFT in action. I'm not saying you're wrong necessarily, it just hurts me to see people dogpiling on what is basically a little girls attempt to feel special. WHAT A CRIME!
The "crime" is upon the listeners ears, oh gentle IP user. Torture is against the Geneva convention, and this song is clearly a breach of it.