Australian rules football: Interview with Andy Thissling, statistician for the Traralgon Football Club senior side

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wikinews contributor Patrick Gillett interviewed Andy Thissling of the Traralgon Football Club. Andy is the statistician for the Gippsland Football League clubs senior side, or first XVIII.

The Gippsland Football League (officially Gippsland League, GL) is the only major Australian rules football competition in the Gippsland region according to the Victorian Country Football League.


 ((Patrick Gillett )) : Can you describe what you do at Traraglon footy club?

 ((Andy )) On match day, I do the stats for the Traralgon Football Club, for the seniors. And I love it so much. I want to have this job for ever.

 ((PG )) Sounds good. How Long have you been doing this?

 ((Andy )) What do you meen mate? How long have I been doing the stats for?

 ((PG )) Yeah.

 ((Andy )) I've been doing it since 2004. I got asked to do it and since then, I've been doing since 2004 to today's date.

 ((PG )) How often do you talk to the coach and provide him with the stats?

 ((Andy )) Each quarter I go to the coaching staff and get them all my stats to them and tell it to them what's what. An the I do them at the end of the quarter. And then at the end of the game I'll hand them my stats.

Andy works for Coles Supermarkets. A South Australian store is pictured here

 ((PG )) What is your job out side of football?

 ((Andy )) My job outside of football is, I work at a supermarket called Coles Supermarket in Traralgon. I work there three days a week. That keeps me out of mischief for a few days.

 ((PG )) Sounds a bit like me.

 ((Andy )) [laughs] Yeah mate, that's like us.

Traralgon won the 2009 minor premiership, equivalent to the premiership in association football, but failed to win the premiership, equivalent to the championship

 ((PG )) Does working at Coles effect your involvement with the footy club?

 ((Andy )) Not really. It's just three days of work and that's all. The rest I'll stay home do some house work and get ready for footy on Saturdays. Goes like lightning during the week.

 ((PG )) Doesn't sound to bad. Will Traralgon win the minor premiership this year, like they did last year?

 ((Andy )) We take one game at a time and that's all. Footy's a funny old sport mate.

 ((PG )) Damn straight it is, Good to hear.

 ((Andy )) Yeah that's right mate.

 ((PG )) Has there ever been a point when you've wanted to give up doing the stats?

 ((Andy )) No. I just like to do it and if I want a break it give someone else a go and tell then the action.

 ((PG )) Good to hear mate. Final question - do you want to add anything for readers?

 ((Andy )) Thanks for you time Pat and keep up the good work mate.


This exclusive interview features first-hand journalism by a Wikinews reporter. See the collaboration page for more details.