Australian broadcaster projects Liberal win in Ryde district, New South Wales, two weeks after state election

Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Ryde district within Greater Sydney.
Image: Twotwofourtysix.

On Friday, Australia's ABC News analyst Antony Green called the state electorate of Ryde, New South Wales for Liberal Party nominee Jordan Lane.

By Saturday, Lane was leading by 50 votes out of 50,800, with he and Labor candidate Lyndal Howison both at 50% as workers counted postal votes.

Although it was considered a safe electorate according to The Guardian, Ryde swung 8.9% against the Liberal Party.

Lane, once mayor of the City of Ryde, released a statement saying: "I love Ryde, and will continue to fight every day to deliver on our positive vision for our community and its future" and "I look forward to working hard for everyone in Ryde, no matter who they voted for".

I look forward to working hard for everyone in Ryde, no matter who they voted for.

—Jordan Lane

Howison said: "Ryde is my home and regardless of the final result, I'll always fight for what's best for our community".

The lead had flipped between Lane and Howison since the March 25 election.

Last week, before the projection, Howison said it was "not looking good for the Labor campaign" but her party would wait for more votes to be counted "before we call it".

Labor won 45 seats, falling two short of a majority government, which The Guardian and Australian Associated Press predict will push newly elected Premier Chris Minns into talks with the crossbench. The crossbench consists of nine independents and three Greens.

Liberal Victor Dominello won Ryde by 18% in the 2019 election, though that race saw a 2.6% swing towards Labor. Dominello, the Member for Ryde since 2008, retired prior to the election; Lane has called him "a close friend and a mentor".
