Wikinews Shorts: March 23, 2008

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A compilation of brief news reports for Sunday, March 23, 2008.

Random drive-by shooting kills 7, injures 16 in Baghdad

At least seven people have died and sixteen more are injured after gunman in three cars attacked pedestrians at a market in Baghdad, Iraq, apparently at random. An anonymous official told Xinhua that the attack in Baghdad's religiously diverse Zaafariniya neighbourhood left several seriously enough wounded that the death toll may rise.

Drive-by shootings have become rare in the capital since recent crackdowns on militants. However, attacks do still continue. Other recent attacks include a bombing on a Mogul army base that left ten dead and a series of rocket attacks on Baghdad residences and the Green Zone, leaving no known caualties as yet but striking several sensitive foreign targets.


India tests nuclear capable Agni-I surface-to-air missile

India has conducted a successful test of its Agni-I surface-to-air missile, a 700km (435 mile) range misile capable of carrying conventional and nuclear warheads up to a weight of 1,000kg. It was fired across the Bay of Bengal from a mobile launcher on a range on a nearby island at 10:15 am.

India and neighbour Pakistan have regularly tested missiles since 2002, and both have nuclear technology. The Agni-I has been tested previously. "The missile had a textbook performance in terms of range, accuracy and lethality," said a statement by the military.
