Wikinews:Wikinews Bulletin/2007-5/Wikimania

Wikimania 2007: Two Wikinews editors will attend


By Thunderhead, August 1, 2007

Cspurrier and Messedrocker will be attending Wikimania Taiwan this year, and they will be reporting on day-to-day happenings at the conference. According to the Water Cooler, there are plans to work with Wikipedia Weekly to produce a joint-produced project to benifit both projects, although this has not been confirmed as of press time.

Wikimania provides an opportunity for Wikimedians and the general public alike to meet and share ideas about free and open source software, free knowledge initiatives, and wiki projects worldwide.

In the current issue: Editor's note · Arbitration Committee election results announced · Recent blog activity · Wikinews IRC Discussion · Wikimania: 2 Wikinews editors will attend · Administrators and accreditations · Recent featured content · Technical Issues · Wikinews: Mentions in the Mainstream Media