Wikinews:Dynamic quiz/quiz/2007/48

Welcome to the Wikinews World News Quiz, giving you a chance to test your knowledge on this week's news.

Last Updated: November 25, 2007

Quiz edit

1 Who is the newly elected Prime Minister of Australia?

Kevin Rudd
Stanley Bruce
Gabriel Pollard
Peter Costello


A computer disc.
Two computer discs containing the personal data of 25 million U.K. citizens were found out this week to be missing. They were sent from a Revenue & Customs office in what British city?


3 English team manager Steve McClaren was sacked by the Football Association last week after the team failed to qualify for the Euro 2008 tournament. When was the last time England failed to qualify for a major tournament?

UEFA Euro 2000
UEFA Euro 1996
FIFA World Cup 1994
FIFA World Cup 1990


The MS Nordnorge, the cruise ship to which the passengers and crew have been transferred.
What is the name of the Canadian cruise ship with over 150 passengers that sank in the Antarctic this week?

MS Firefox
MS Macintosh
MS Explorer

5 Which Russian chess grand master was arrested last Saturday for leading opposition protests against President Putin?

Anatoly Karpov
Garry Kasparov
Vladimir Kramnik
Alexander Litvinenko


Silvio Berlusconi.
Italy saw a political scandal this week after wiretaps revealed that some media outlets favoured Silvio Berlusconi when he was Prime Minister of Italy. What is the name of the Italian public television station mentioned in this affair?

Italia Uno
Canale Uno

7 On Thursday, Colombia ended Hugo Chávez' negotiations efforts with the FARC militia. What does the acronym FARC stand for?

Freedom through Revolution and Anarchy in Colombia
Fighters Against the Rulers of Colombia
Armed Revolutionary Forces of Colombia
Communist Armed Rebel Forces


Hugo Chávez.
Image: Victor Soares/ABr.
The Spanish King's outburst to Hugo Chávez was reported to have reached cult status; what did Juan Carlos I say to the President of Venezuela?

¿Por qué no te callas?
¡Eres fascista!
¿Por qué no vuelvas a tu país?

9 Wikinews interviewed the senior anchorwoman of Naked News, a Canadian program that presents the news completely bare. Which of the following is not a quote from that interview?

"sensual, but not sexual"
"I believe the secret to our success is that we challenged the accepted boundaries while keeping it clean and tasteful."
"I think we have a friendlier way of delivering the news"
"our viewers want to keep abreast of the hot issues"


Commander Peggy Whitson (upper left) and Flight Engineer Dan Tani work outside the International Space Station during the 20 November 2007 spacewalk
Two astronauts went on a spacewalk to complete a new room of the International Space Station. What is the name of this new room?
