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English WikiNews
English WikiNews
sv This user is a native speaker of Swedish.
en-4 This user is able to contribute with a near-native level of English.
de-2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of German.
la-1 This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Latin.

Most of my wiki contributions are made to Wikispecies where I'm an administrator, bureaucrat and interface administrator,(verify) to the Swedish Wikimedia Chapter Wikimedia Sverige (WMSE) where I'm an administrator,(verify) and as administrator and interface administrator at the Swedish version of Wikivoyage.(verify)

Swedish is my mother tongue – even though I was born in Finland – but I feel comfortable speaking and writing English and to some extent in German as well. Odd as it may seem, unfortunately I can't speak any Finnish even though I went to school there for a few years prior to moving to Sweden (see Swedish-speaking population of Finland in Wikipedia). I've lived all over Sweden but nowadays reside in Uppsala, the fourth biggest city and former capital of Sweden Odd as it may seem, unfortunately I can't speak any Finnish even though I went to school there for a few years prior to moving to Sweden (see Swedish-speaking population of Finland in Wikipedia). I've lived all over Sweden but nowadays reside in Uppsala, the fourth biggest city and former capital of Sweden.

My family name consists of two parts: kron – a short form of the Swedish word krona meaning 'crown', as in coronation crown or tree crown – and kvist, meaning 'bough' or 'twig'. Hence the name Kronkvist refers to a twig in the canopy of a forest. I'm the fourth generation of Kronkvist's. Prior to that our family name was Mattus: an oeconym meaning "Matthew's Farm", dating back to at least 1637.

Committed identity: a6edd6d2fdbf82621f0cda4e5525c71f8da9b5dfd308242c3c63365e998c32c5406b75448380903265a5403edffd1a0435b61ac943f3c65870db9250f8b884a9 is a SHA-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.