My userpage on Polish Wikinews or in commons.
Sebastian Nanek, 1987-born man from Bochnia, Poland, retired from Wikinews, still active on polish Wikibooks.
Contact: sebi707 at go2 dot pl, or through IM - GG:2250963, tlen: sebi707, jabber:;
I was an administator and editor of Polish Wikinews. During my time spent here, on Wikinews, I focused on correcting informations and submitting interwiki links on English Wikinews.
my websites: "Leadership traits - cechy przywódcy" * Audio-n-Track * Komunikacja - pismem, słowiem, gestem... i nie tylko * Planety poza Układem Słonecznym * Stereotypy: kobieta-mężczyzna