Greetings to one and all, and particularly to the readers of Wikinews. I hope to flesh this page out in the future, but for now I'll mention that I'm Pleonic, a financial counselor and writer currently living in Texas after spending 20 years in Southern California. I'm also a new Wikinewsie who started with a few minor edits in May 2005 and then took the plunge with a largely unedited obituary of actor Eddie Albert (

I am here because the idea of a truly neutral, even-handed, "open source" news site is something I believe passionatly that the world needs. Websites and publications offering high-voltage, polarized, opinion-laden "news" for personal gratification, public demagoguery or corporate profit are a dime a dozen. How about a site where people put their meta-narratives aside and just tell what happened in non-polemic language? I hope what I write (and edit) shows I'm trying to reach that lofty goal. If I'm not, please go to my talk page and let me know.

Pleonic is a word I think I coined myself while casting about for an email address. It comes from the same greek word as does pleonasm -- using too many words, droning on and on. I hope I don't do that here. But the original greek word meant "fullness" or "there's more." That's the meaning I chose it for. That, and I like the sound of it.