Michael Geheren Journalist

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Hello My Name is Michael Geheren and this is my User Page for Wikinews. I write for Scholastic News and KV Chronicles. I am an experienced writer covering the presidential election. I have interviewed Senator John McCain and many Olympic Athletes.

My Bio on Scholastic News Age 12, Illinois

Favorite Subject: Language Arts

Favorite Book: Almost all books

Favorite Music: Any kind of music besides country and rap

Extracurricular Activities: School Band (percussion), Student Council, school newspaper, city newspaper, KV Chronicles, school yearbook

Hobbies: Writing, designing web pages, fixing computers

Michael is most interested in becoming a journalist when he is older.

In his spare time, Michael likes to write, draw, and read.

As a Scholastic Kid Reporter, Michael wants to learn ways to interview better, write better, and experience what a real journalist goes through. Michael is very excited to be on the front lines of the 2008 presidential election. He says that he "wish[es] he could vote right now." Michael is very interested in politics and feels that being a Kid Reporter will be a highlight in his life. He feels that kids should be interested in the election because they too will be voting one day and it is important to know who the president of their country will be.

I have been interviewed on WMAQ-TV here it is: Geheren on NBC 5 News Chicago

List of Works


Scholastic: Anthony Horowitz Writes|Olympics Wikinews: | My First Article on Wikinews