It is said that green is his favorite color. He also likes the frog in this image.

Jemoza: Who is he?

Jemoza, as he is called, is an amateur reporter with no background in non-fiction writing (other than school assignments). He specializes in fiction writing such as mystery, comedy and thrillers/horrors. "I am not sure about my decision to join WikiNews" Said Jemoza "But I'm open to new ways of written literature, in this case: News!"

Not much information about him has been divulged into the internet, but we do know that "Jemoza" is just his Pen Name. His actually name is said to be quote, unquote "Very mexican" . We do not know what his real name is, but another nick name he goes by is "Peyuko". Other reports say that he lives in his house.

"He might not be experienced in this field, but he sure darn[sic] is ready to write some articles. I promise they will be more serious than this, cuz'[sic] this is just my User Page"


August 4th, 2019

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